A King's Confession (Kageyama Tobio x Reader)

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Haikyuu!! (ハイキュー!!) © Haruichi Furudate

Upon arriving at Karasuno High School with the intention of joining the girl's volleyball club, (Y/N) was almost immediately slapped across the face by bad luck the moment she stepped foot inside the campus. Apparently, the club refuses to accept any more members, for a reason unbeknownst to everyone. This made (Y/N)'s morale drop, and she's been acting like a child who just lost her favorite toy ever since then. That was when she met a certain raven-haired male who just so happened to be a member of the boy's volleyball club. He became the reason why (Y/N) would often be found in the school's gym, watching the team's daily practices. One day, however, she receives a rather sudden confession which made her believe that not being able to join the girl's volleyball team really did have it's ups as well as its downs.

A King's Confession

Gray skies looming overhead.

Tiny little raindrops creating soft pitter-patters on the roofs of buildings.

Boots making splashing sounds as they went.

The rainy season has finally come by to greet everyone with a gloomy cheer. Dark clouds gathered on the vast expense of the sky, casting a looming shadow over every person and every building. Only the different colored umbrellas seemed to bring the whole place to life, the sea of color creating a break in the otherwise monochromatic scenery.

Everyone seemed specially down today, stoic faces present in the crowd of people walking through busy streets. Whether it be because of the miserable aura the season has brought, or the fact that everything just seemed so gray and colorless, no one really knew why. Nobody was just in the mood to let out a gentle laugh or two, much less show a smile.

Except for one.

(Y/N) dashed through the ocean of people with a huge smile plastered onto her fairly beautiful face. Her (Hair Length) (Hair Color) locks flew behind her as she ran, the soles of her shoes creating clicking sounds as it hit the squared pavement. Unlike the rest of the people surrounding her, (Y/N) was feeling rather cheerful today, despite the misery clinging onto the atmosphere around her. Her face glowed with happiness, and her vibrant (Eye Color) hues sparkled with joy. She was like a splotch of color on a gray canvas, somewhat similar to the color-filled gaze the umbrellas being carried by people brought. The reason for her happiness, however, she herself didn't know. All she really knew was that the tingling sensation in the back of her spine meant something great was going to happen today. Something that will change her entire life.

So she ran. She ran and ran, until her feet started hurting. Ignoring the drops of rain that fell onto her shoulders and the crown of her head, creating tiny little beads that slid down the strands of her hair. The people she passed got startled the moment she ran by, appearing as nothing more than a blur to them, but (Y/N) all but ignored the surprised glances she got, dashing down the wet streets, getting closer and closer to the gates of the very familiar school she has grown to love.

Soon enough, she came face to face with the entrance that led to Karasuno High, the school of her dreams. The only reason why (Y/N) even came to this school was because of her wish to join the girl's volleyball club, but unfortunately, it appears as though they aren't really willing to accept any more members, much to her dismay. Lucky for her, the boy's volleyball club lets her watch their daily practices, all thanks to the one guy (Y/N) has gradually started to have feelings for.

One of the team's setters, Kageyama Tobio.

(Y/N)'s cheeks grew hot with just the simple thought of the player's name, her feet now feeling heavier than before as she slowly walked towards the school's gym almost upon instinct alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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