"Don't over think now if you two are the last ones standing then you can worry about it."

“ It’s just hunting. You both are the best hunter I know,” says Gale.
“It’s not just hunting. They’re armed. They think,” I say. “So do you. And you’ve had more practice. Real
practice,” he says. “You know how to kill.”

The Peacekeepers are back too soon and Gale asks for more time, but they’re taking him away and I start to panic."Take care of them!"."I will!You know I will! " He exclaims before they  yank us apart and slam the door.

My next guest is  unexpected. It's Katniss's sister Primrose.

"Uh hi Prim" I say not knowing what to say.The Prim I remembered was always smiling now she looks like a shell of her former self. "I just wanted to wish you good luck." She says. Rory and Prim were really close and would always cling onto each other so whenever I didn't have school or hunting I would teach them indoor games they could play when they were alone.

I bend down to her level and ask" You're worried about Katniss? "She gives me a silent nod. "Don't worry whatever happens I will look after her in the arena. I promise ""Look after yourself too" She says. "I will"

She pulls a white paper package from her jacket pocket and holds it out to me. I open it and find cheese probably from her goat.

"Thank you Prim" I say

She gives me a peck on my cheek and goes away.

It’s a short ride from the Justice Building to the train station. I’ve never been in a car before. Rarely even ridden in wagons. In the Seam, we travel on foot.

I’ve been right not to cry. The station is swarming with reporters with their insectlike cameras trained
directly on my face. But I’ve had a lot of practice at wiping my face clean of emotions and I do this now. I
catch a glimpse of myself on the television screen on the wall that’s airing my arrival live and feel gratified that I appear almost bored.

Katniss too appears to be holding back her tears andvl appears cold as a stone. I give her a brisk smile which she returns.

We have to stand for a few minutes in the doorway of the train while the cameras gobble up our images,
then we’re allowed inside and the doors close mercifully behind us. The train begins to move at

The tribute train is fancier than even the room in the Justice Building. We are each given our own chambers that have a bedroom, a dressing area, and a private bathroom with hot and cold running water. We don’t have hot water at home, unless we boil it.
There are drawers filled with fine clothes, and Effie Trinket tells me to do anything I want, wear anything
I want, everything is at my disposal. Just be ready for supper in an hour. I peel off my clothes and take a hot shower.I’ve never had a shower
before. It’s like being in a summer rain, only warmer. I dress in  grey shirt and shorts.

Effie Trinket comes to collect me for supper. I follow her through the narrow, rocking corridor into a dining room with polished paneled walls. There’s a table where all the dishes are highly breakable. Katniss sits waiting for us, the chair next to her
empty.I realize I haven't spoken to her about today ,maybe after supper.
“Where’s Haymitch?” asks Effie Trinket brightly. “Last time I saw him, he said he was going to take a
nap,” says Katniss .
“Well, it’s been an exhausting day,” says Effie Trinket.
I think she’s relieved by Haymitch’s absence, and who can blame her?

After finishing our rich supper, I’m fighting to keep the food down. I can see Katniss’s looking a little green, too. Neither of our stomachs is used to such rich fare. The tastiest food we ate before this was probably Greasy Sae’s concoction of mice meat, pig entrails, and tree bark — a winter specialty.

We go to another compartment to watch the recap of the reapings across Panem.One by one, we see the other reapings, the names called, We examine the faces of the kids who will be our competition. A few stand out in my mind.

Last of all, they show District 12. Prim being called,Katniss running forward to volunteer. You can’t miss the
desperation in her voice.Then my name is called as I almost run my way to the stage to prevent Gale from volunteering.

The commentators are not sure what to say about the crowd’s refusal to applaud. The silent salute. One
says that District 12 has always been a bit backward but that local customs can be charming. As if on cue,
Haymitch falls off the stage, and they groan comically.

“Your mentor has a lot to learn about presentation. A lot about televised behavior.” Effie says.

“He was drunk,” I says
.“He’s drunk every year.” Katniss says “Every day,” I add.
We can’t help but share a laugh.

“Yes,” hisses Effie Trinket. “How odd you two find it amusing. You know your mentor is your lifeline to the
world in these Games. The one who advises you, lines up your sponsors, and dictates the presentation of
any gifts. Haymitch can well be the difference between your life and your death!”

Just then, Haymitch staggers into the compartment. “I miss supper?” he says in a slurred voice. Then he
vomits all over the expensive carpet and falls in the mess.

“So laugh away!” says Effie Trinket. She hops in her pointy shoes around the pool of vomit and flees the

Heaven is Falling (The Hunger Games x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now