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"Prince Skywalker," the lady-in-waiting bowed, "the Duchess is waiting for you in her chambers." She quickly exited his line of sight before she could irritate him.

Luke showed no reaction and simply headed toward the last room down the corridor. His presence was overwhelming enough for no one to dare to stay close to the Duchess's room while he was present. Upon arriving at the door, all the prince did was open it forcefully, causing a loud noise.

The Duchess was not startled by the rudeness; it was already customary. She continued to sit on her bed as if the noise or the prince's presence did not bother her.

"Why aren't you wearing the damn studded necklace I told you to wear?!" Luke asked, annoyed.

Mara Jade shrugged, finishing adjusting her black corset. "I didn't think it would go well with my dress. I'll wear it on another occasion," she said disinterestedly.

"You should at least have the decency to wear the things I spend a fortune on to give to you."

"Oh, do you swear?" she asked ironically. "Too bad! There was no law in the marriage contract about that, darling."

The redhead's mocking tone deeply irritated Luke as if it were some kind of personal offense. He hated when she was indifferent, even though it often made her more attractive in his eyes.

"Mara, I won't tolerate any more of your sarcasm tonight. You know very well that we're on our way to an important gala, so please, wear the damn studded necklace," he calmly requested.


It was inevitable for Luke to hold back a sigh. Mara knew how to irritate him like no one else, and that was intolerable. He looked at her, giving up, realizing that if Mara didn't want to wear the damn necklace, she wouldn't.

"You could at least be a little more courteous and polite. I hope you don't treat any important nobles with this attitude. It doesn't bode well for my prince's reputation."

"Your reputation?" Mara laughed. "Our reputation. Luke, our wedding is in two weeks, your reputation is my reputation," she said seriously, "and I won't ruin that. And if you want to know, I'll wear the studded necklace."

Luke smiled, convinced that he had finally managed to convince her.

"But I'm only going to wear it because it looks good in the newspapers and helps our reputation, all right, Your Imperial Highness?" she said mockingly, approaching the blonde.

"You knew I would convince you, my dear," Luke said, putting his hands on her face. "Aren't you going to wear a veil? It's not very well seen for a lady to walk around without one before the wedding," he whispered in her ear.

"Of course, I am," she replied in the same tone, "the one you like...after all, I'm a pure young lady. Unlike you, Prince."

Luke sighed, putting one hand on the redhead's waist, pulling her closer.

"You know...if we weren't late, I'd like to stay in this room for a few more minutes," he said, squeezing her waist, "and let's face it...we're the most important people in the galaxy, we can be a little late, can't we?"

Mara smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, and then moved away.

"I can't deny that your proposal excites me, Prince, but I believe we have duties to fulfill. Imperial duties."

"Five minutes never killed anyone."

"We both know that's not true," Mara said in a low voice, "I promise that when we come back, your Duchess will reward you."

Luke chuckled and placed a kiss on her right hand.

"Soon you'll be my empress," he said.

"In a few years!" she smiled. "And, anyway, for now, I have to keep up the appearance of being a pure and chaste maiden, unlike you, the future emperor."

Luke shrugged, a sly grin on his face. "And you are the future empress."

"I know," she replied.

Studded NecklaceWhere stories live. Discover now