chapter 2

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When Shuri printed the heart shaped herb Nakia and Riri had never seen her like this. Shuri was so angry that she saw Killmonger. Her own family wouldn't come for her? Bullshit. This hurt the most. There was a feeling that she wasn't of importance to them, like they had better things to do.

Riri's POV:

When she hit that mannequin I lost it. I'm officially down bad. I know she was mad but what the fuck?? I was playing when I said I liked her but damn. She can't possibly like me after her mother died saving me. Shuri's hurting, I'm the least of her concerns.

Reader's POV:

It was extremely obvious to the people around Riri and Shuri that they may have had something going on. Dora Milaje noticed, Queen Ramonda (bless, rest easy) noticed, Nakia noticed and especially M'baku. He liked to call Riri Umfazi wexesha elizayo kaShuri(Shuri's future wife). And god did Shuri love seeing Riri's confused face. "What did he call me?" she would ask sharply. "Oh nothing.." Shuri would answer cackleing.

At some point whatever their relationship was becoming a concern to Nakia. "Nkosazana yam (my princess) you are in love with the girl, just admit it!" Nakia pleaded with Shuri around the lab. Shuri ignored her and continued working. "Denying it will only make it worse!" Nakia chuckles. "Then I will stay in denial and make it worse!" Shuri said playfully. "You are so hardheaded! I see the way you look at eachother! It is the same as how your brother looked! You both are practically the same! Shuri I know what you feel for her, you don't have to hide it! It's obvious that she feels the same!" Nakia shouted. "Well how do you want me to proceed with this information?!" Shuri responded. "That I cannot help you with. It is your decision how you will pursue your feelings." Nakia rubbed Shuri's back and walked away.

Shuris POV:

The conversation with Nakia got me thinking. It is best for me to admit what I am feeling. I have feelings for Riri. Riri most likely does not have feelings for me. Griot says the confidence rate is 57.82%. And yes I did do tests to prove myself correct.

Is it really that obvious that I like her? I wonder if she's noticed. This is the first time I've had a real crush. This is weird.

When I was a kid, my brother told me that I wasn't "normal". Not in a mean way just an observation. He said that watching me grow up I never had my focus on anything else but technology, and that my true passion was work. He said that I never had time for boys and drama and things that a "normal" wakandan teen would do. I told him that I had no reason to give attention to people and things that would not improve my life.

One time when I was around 16 my father tried to court me. He should've known better than to "court" me with a Jabari boy. When we were forced to meet, my brother almost killed him. My brother was the only person who knew that I liked girls. Now this Jabari boy was keen on getting to know me and was kind of forceful with it. He was aggressive and neither I nor my brother liked that. At the time I did not have the strength or power to defend myself and I'm lucky my brother was there to help me.

This hoodlum of a boy forced himself on me and nobody was there, except T'challa. After that I had no trust in ever liking anyone again. That is the reason why actually liking Riri is tripping me out. Is my mind playing tricks on me?

Readers POV:

Riri was so focused on improving her suit she lost count of the days. They were getting closer and closer to their attack on the Talokan. Her suit was almost perfect. "Why hello Ms. Williams, what's got you up so late?" Okoye walked into the lab. Riri was so focused she didn't realize the time. "Oh, hey Okoye. You scared me. I'm just fixing my suit and doing some equations for Shuri." Riri spoke while yawning. "Speaking of Shuri, do you like her?" Okoye asks. "Yea, shes great." Riri replied slowly. "But do you like-like her? You guys are always together, you would be so cute together!"Okoye said with a smile. "Ugh why does everyone say that?!"Riri laughed. "Small girl and Shuri sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"Okoye laughed while walking away.

The next morning

Shuri's POV: (please play "shot for me by drake" in this segment)

Okay I'll admit it, I was happier and had more personality before my brother died. He was my light and my inspiration. I now have a new light, Riri. She makes me feel like I have something worth living for, and I do. She is my comfort, home and an escape from my pain. I don't know how we got here. I think T'challa would be proud, and Mother would have seen this coming. I have a sense that she may feel the same way, and if she doesn't then I'll apologize a billion times. She is more important than anything to me. Namor will not kill her, nor me. My country will thrive. Nakia and Okoye are right, we are meant for eachother. I should not feel this way but nevertheless, we are naturally attracted to each other. It's meant to be. No matter how many calculations say different, I know it.

Riri's POV: (please play "right my wrongs by bryson tiller" in this segment)

I hate this feeling. I know I like Shuri, more like love. And I know she feels the same. Neither of us are willing to confess it. I love Shuri but she refuses to express herself.I know exactly what she wants and she can't hide it. We have to be realistic here, the queen of Wakanda with a college student from Chicago!? Bullshit, there's no way. The world would lose it. God knows how my friends and family would react. And damn Shuri's people would go fuckin wild. If Shuri won't say anything I will.

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