Joshua Rosfield Headcanons

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•Joshua like his older brother is a human furnace because of Phoenix and his affinity of fire. Like Clive, he'll warm you up if you huddle close to him. He's also a snugglebug and likes snuggles as well.

•Joshua hates vegetables(especially carrots) but loves other types of food but them. He's also a picky eater which Archduke Elwin, his mother the Archduchess and the maids have tried numerous times to break him from it but to no avail. They only hope that it's just a phase and he will grow out of it eventually as time passes. Possibly has a carrot allergy as the reason why he hates carrots. Even as an adult Joshua still refuses to eat them.

•Joshua loves sweets but dislikes spicy food. He would make sure to give his portions of hot food to his brother who understood why Joshua hated hot stuff.

•Although Clive was assigned to him as his shield, he doesn't mind watching his brother practice training or sparring with one of the knights in the castle, something their mother does not approve of due to Joshua's frail condition.

•Sometimes he and Jill will accompany Clive on his walks with Torgal and helps his brother tend to Ambrosia in the stables in his spare time. Joshua loves chocobos just as much as Clive does and likes taking care of them. He's an animal lover by heart and has befriended nearly every dog, cat or other animals in Rosaria's capital.

•Due to being Phoenix's Dominant, Joshua has access to recovery magic as well as fire. He knows a basic Cure spell but also Cura, Curaga, Curaja, Full-Cure/Renew, Esuna, Regen, Life/Raise, Full Life/Arise and possibly Auto-Life/Reraise. His level of mastery of Fire goes up to at least Fira or Firaga. He can also summon a pair of wings to fly around with too.

•On some nights he and Jill will sometimes go outside to watch the stars with Clive to learn about the many constellations dotting the sky, even the many phases of the moon from new to full, etc.

•There were times in the past where he, Clive and Jill were much younger and Joshua was afraid of thunderstorms. The loud noise would often scare him awake to the point he would sleep in either Jill's, Clive's or their parents' rooms just so he wouldn't sleep alone.

•Joshua keeps a handmade Moogle plush toy in his room that was given to him by Clive that he and their father bought at the local marketplace. It's made of the highest quality materials and they made sure it was worth every single gil from Clive's coin pouch. Jill also gifted him with a quilt that had a chocobo embroidered on it.

•He has a small collection of books in his room that he reads from time to time. Some of those books came from either the castle's library or were given to him by the servants or his family. Some of the knights had also given Joshua books from their own collections due to how much the young lord reads. Most of the time he has his nose in a book if his mind isn't occupied elsewhere.

•Joshua likes reading stories about how a band of rebels calling themselves the Red Rose Rebellion stood up to an evil Empire and brought peace to the land, although four of those rebels were orphans who were taken in by a kingdom who fought against said Empire. Or another one where a group of heroes chosen by the crystals of fire, water, wind and earth traveled through the Interdimensional Rift to confront an evil warlock revealed to be a tree brought to life by the numerous amount of souls inhabiting it. A third example would be a Divine Dragon after waking up from a 1000 year coma travels the continent gathering twelve mystical rings to defeat a Fell Dragon and bring peace to the world.

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