☁️Wholesome Headcannons (romantic)🍎💚☀️🤍

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Hope you all enjoy a taste of what's to come<3

Wally 🍎 ;D
Nicknames!- Neighbor, Sweets, and a shorter version of y/n, if there is one.

🍎 Hugs!- Wally doesn't know how to hug, but he knows what it is, he just goes limp every time anyone does hug him. But he does ask for them or ask if you need one on occasion. If you two do end up hugging its mostly you doing the hugging until you properly teach him how.

🍎 Kisses!- Yeah he can give them, after he saw Eddie and Frank kiss once in the neighborhood he was dead set on trying it out on you, he gave you a soft little fuzzy kiss on the cheek and then monotonously laughed about it, "Ha, Ha, you look so funny red neighbor!" You got flustered and hid behind whatever you had available when you saw him for at least a day after that.

🍎 Sleepover!- You invited him to your house, since home freaked you out-, and it surprised you when you saw that he carefully took down his hair by bending over the sink with a stool and it seemed to be stubborn since he was in there for 15 minutes. He came out with his hair down and hid his face a little when he caught you staring, you know that's his job, "Is it odd neighbor? I know it's weirder than usual," but you thought it was cute, he even puts on a robe to bed, a fuzzy one too. You guys slept in the same bed, but when you looked over he was just staring at the ceiling. It was admittedly strange but you didn't mind all that much. Little spoon energy.

🍎 Picnic!- He loves to go out on picnic trips with you, he will often visit the bugdega with you and purchase a few things, apples mainly, but also things that he noticed you like, its quite considerate honestly. He will go out to his favorite apple tree and meticulously assist in placing each item where he dictates it should be, "I think that should go over here neighbor, oh but put the apples in the middle, like red wonderful decoration!".

Julie 🤍
🤍 Nicknames!- Sugarplum, Sugar, lovely, all the cute stuff you could think of.

🤍 Hugs!- Julie likes to full on tackle you when you two hug, its really adorable but you have fallen over from the full force of Julie and the suffocation of her heavy hair. "Oops! Sorry sugarplum, that's entirely my bad haha!"

🤍 Kisses!- She gives you all kinds of kisses! Cheek, nose, forehead, hand, anywhere really! She does like to intertwine her fingers with yours and pull up your hand for a kiss while you walk, its rather adorable and you don't mind it. If your hands made you feel insecure however she would refrain from drawing attention to them and kiss your cheek instead, very silently accommodating.

🤍 Sleepover!- She. Has. A. 30. Minute. Hair. Care. Routine. Tell me she doesn't and you are WRONG, she absolutely made you do your hair with her, "No silly! It isn't excessive its necessar-ive! Yet you wonder why you wake up with bedhead!". Julie is the type of person to take your hair texture into consideration and have an shelf of products just for when you come to visit. Is your hair oily? Dry? Thin? Thick? Curly? Wavy? Straight? Coils? She has ALL the products, and I mean ALLLLL the products. (I like to think wally has crashed your sleepover for fun) You two sleep in the same bed super close, you could get so tangled up in each others limbs that you might get stuck that way. She is the little spoon.

🤍 Picnic!- Tea party picnic, she will go get you early just to get you ready for the day ahead of you, she stops by Howdy's the minute it opens, grabs all she needs, pays, and runs away so quickly you could swear she was nothing but a pink and yellow blur. She'll do your hair, pick matching outfits, and grab her favorite teaser and she's out the door with you trailing behind. It's a pleasant time with Julie, she makes tea seem interesting. "I learned about how tea was made with Frank earlier, he let me borrow one of his fancy books, I actually made this myself. It's super fun! You should do it with me sometimes Sugarplum!"

Howdy! 💚
💚 Nicknames!- Cutie, personal plushie, bubs, little peach, just generally a little different from most nicknames people use, but normal enough.

💚 Hugs!- OH MY GOD THE BEST HUGS, 4 arms, double the hug power! He lifts you up and hugs you REALLY close, really generally warm and fuzzy feelings whenever you two hug because AWWWW "Come on its not embarrassing, I think you're the best personal plushie I could ask for!". You can BARELY get any wiggle room, but in a good way. He is constantly hugging you or holding you when your around, why have four arms if you can't put them to use?

💚 Kisses!- He's perfectly fine with anything and everything else, hugs, words of endearment, cheesy stuff sure, but when you kiss him suddenly green turns to red. He blushes like never before seen, it's almost his entire face, poor thing doesn't know what to do with any of his arms so he ends up giving himself an awkward hug and covering his face. "Come on now, that's just not fair. Fine, you win.".

💚 Sleepover!- Sleepovers are the most fun thing ever, since he lives above the bugdega, it's very easy for you to run down for snacks and stuff, so movie nights are just the best. You guys would probably stay up late with the latest gossip, who liked who, and plans for the next day, etc. He somehow knows exactly how to get you to fall asleep even if you say you wanna stay up. "A few new record were dropped off at my shop today, I thought you might like this one, it reminds me of how sweet you are." He puts together a collection of his favorite albums, and he plays them whenever you're over. Big and Little spoon energy, he just likes to hold you or be held himself.

💚 Picnic!- He doesn't really mind, but it's not his favorite thing, he would really rather have a more romantic dinner than anything, but if he found out you liked them he would do a mix of things and have a picnic out in a field, somewhere woodsy but not to far away. It would be comfortable and sweet, very intimate and relaxing. "Did I pick a nice spot? I hope you like it bubs.".

☀️ Nicknames!- My star, sunshine, darling, starlight, very star-oriented.

☀️ Hugs!- polite and soft, will ask first before they hug you or anything like that. "Oh sunshine! I'm closing in!" And then absolutely pounce on you. If hugs made you uncomfortable she would obviously refrain and instead hold your arm to their body "its a special hug!" Definitely a sweetheart. Their favorite hugs are side hugs and sneak attack ones, but the sneak isn't very sneaky.

☀️ Kisses!- Cheek kisses go BRRRRRR, they love giving and receiving cute pecks on the cheek and absolutely goes in for the kill every once and a while. They accidentally missed and kissed you on the lips once or twice "Ah- umm, sorry about that y/n I promise I didn't mean to," you'd tell them it's alright but if they really wanted to they could just ask and their yellow GLOWED orange for a minute there.

☀️ Sleepovers!- Ok, they would be reviewing a show script and run the lines with you consistently. Going over Shakespeare, reading out poetry, messing around and dramatically change the lines to fit with whatever they wanted you to laugh at. Its a constant giggle fit when you are with Sally. CRIED when they read your first poem, "It's so neat! And pretty! I'm very proud of you my little star! Heck I might need you as a playwrite!" They started to ask you and work on their original scripts when you were over, you wouldn't sleep well until later, and Sally always passes out first, no shock there. They would sleep in a mess of pillows and cuddling up to you.

☀️ Picnic- Sally would absolutely love picnics! They would buy a bunch of different things but then forget virtually all of them. "I made it and I brought- oh jeez I forgot the basket." After this incident any time they tell you they want to go on a picnic with you, you're the one who brings all their things, you actually go to their house and pack everything with them to bring it. And when you can't you give them a morning checklist to use and then your picnics are sweet and calm, usually.

HOPE YOU LIKED THEM! Tell me if there are any requests on my request page, and please tell me what you think and if you agree or disagree with anything.

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