"You're Safe" ❤️

41 2 6

-Contains Violence/Gore

-Minor swearing

-Contains suggestive themes in the beginning

(For context, Ryan is your boyfriend in the beginning of this chapter.

-Y/N= Your Name, N/N= Nick Name

-This story takes place in the present (2000-now) because I don't know how to write the past :')



It was mine and Ryans anniversary, we have been dating for 8 months. Before I arrived at the house, I had stopped by the store to grab some flowers and chocolate to gift to him. Once I arrived I pulled my keys out of my pocket to unlock the big beige colored door. As soon as I opened the door, I set my belonging down and made my way upstairs with the flowers and chocolates in hand. I swiftly opened the door getting ready to surprise him, but all I saw was him on our shared bed with another girl.

I stood there dead in my tracks dropping the flowers and chocolate on the ground next to my feet. "Ryan.. who is that..?" I stated while hot steaming tear rolled down my face. "SHIT..! Y/N it isn't what it looks like, I swear!" he stated jumping out of the bed putting his shorts on. I swiftly ran out through the bedroom door not listening to the words coming out of his mouth. I sprinted towards the front door grabbing my bags and running out through it.

I ran out of the house sprinting through the rain to my best friends house, Michael. As soon as I reached his house, I knocked on his door with a rhythmic pattern only me and him knew. He opened the door looking excited to see me, but as soon as he saw my frantic expression with mascara running down my face, it turned into a worried one. He quickly pulled me inside by my wrist, cupping his palm around my cheek. "N/N what's wrong!? What happened are you okay??" he said wrapping his arms around me, puling me into a tight hug. 

I started to cry into his chest, "IT W-WAS RY-RYAN HE CH-CHEATED ON OUR A-ANNIVERSARY!" I stated through tears. He pulled away from the hug, grabbing my shoulders. "Oh no, how about I make some tea and put on a movie? You can also change into the spare clothes you left here a while back, you're soaking!" he stated with a small sincere smile appearing on his lips. I nodded calming down a bit. I made my way the stairs into Michaels room to grab spare clothes. I pulled open the drawer grabbing a fresh pair of paints and a shirt, he had a hoodie sitting on his chair so I grabbed it thinking he wouldn't mind.

I walked down the stairs to the living room, sitting down on the couch. "Is that my hoodie?" Michael said making his way to the couch popcorn and tea in hand. "Oh! umm yeah, sorry I saw it on your chair and grabbed it. You can have it back if you want?" I said quite visibly flustered. "Its fine! You look better than me in it anyways." he said while sitting down on the couch with a little smile peering on his lips. I muttered a quick "Thank you" before picking the movie on Netflix. In the middle of the movie I started to get tired, so I decided to lay on Michaels shoulder. Only a few moments later, I drifted to sleep. Michael noticed planting a small kiss on my forehead saying, "Its ok love, you're safe now."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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