Chapter 1

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Three minutes after the verdict

"Hey sarge, remember me?"
Pip glowed with that feeling that her ravi hadn't forgotten her yet. As soon as she started typing with the three dots on the screen, she recieved another text from him that read:
"Open the door"

Pip couldn't think of what "door" meant. Could it be? Is it possible that ravi traveled all the way from little kilton to her dorm in cambridge to see her? Could this be a new start for both of them, or did he find his start with someone else? Someone better for him. As thoughts and possibilities ran through her head, she jumped up from her bed and ran to her dorm door to open it. There he was, holding a bouquet of flowers, daisies. Her favorite.

She jumped up on him. She followed her intrusive thoughts. She let them win this time. Just this time. She was too happy to even ask about the trial's results. About Max hastings.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, crushing the flowers between them. He caught her with his long arms, as tight as ever. As he walked in, carrying her with one arm, and closing the door with the other.

"You came here, oh i missed you so much. I have been thinking of you for the past 1 year, 8 months, and 16 days." She started kissing his cheeks, switching from one side to the other multiple times. " I will never let you leave me again, pip. Never. My life revolves around you. Little kilton is nothing without you. I am nothing without you. The universe means nothing to me if you are not in it". Said ravi as his grip grew tighter around her waist.

He pulled back as he sat on her bed, she was still in her very first position. Her legs around his waist. Tears started rolling down his eyes, as she wiped them off with her thumb.

"Why are you crying? Said pip, her eyes threatening to spell tears.

" It's just that I have never said these words to anyone before. I used to think that love in general, was a scam of hearts. Just pulls you towards it and then in a split second, it takes your heart away. I thought 'heart breaks' were fake. Like I thought that people will eventually get over it and the cycle starts again. I was wrong. The person that I loved and truly cared about from the bottom of my heart, was Sal. But when he left me, my life changed to the worse. Until you knocked on my door and asked for a 'jiffy' of my time". They giggled as he wiped her tears away. Remembering how it all started.

" you changed me, sarge. To the better. I was dark, and dull. I didn't have emotions or feelings. I didn't care about anything. Not even myself. You were the sunshine to my midnight rain. You showed me that there was still hope. I love you. No matter what happens, even if max was proven innocent. I was going to come back for you. I. AM. NEVER. LETTING. YOU. AGAIN. Understood" he said, her eyes watering from his words.

"Understood. You know i have never been told these words before. I am sorry. I am so sorry that i just abandoned you when i thought it was the best for you. I was sure that it wasn't good for me, but i was doing it for you. To protect you. I am so sorry. I would rather die than let you go again." she said as she pulled him into a hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. He placed his head on the crook of her neck. And she smiled at the foreign feeling of his warm break on her neck. It sent butterflies down her spine. She Liked it.

"Don't worry, i am not leaving" he said.


Hey guys, so this was the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Chapter 2 is coming soon. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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