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Fire. That is all i saw. Orange and yellow and red in every direction. I should have guessed that this would happen. My life is like one big magnet for trouble and all things bad. Even when i was a little girl, i was always  getting into trouble. My parents tried to help me. They rely did. But i killed them. I'm the reason there dead. Sometimes i wonder if they wish i wasn't there daughter.

But, i can't dwell in the past. I'm about to die. I'm glad i was able to do some good in the world, make a difference, save some people,  make friends, and be happy, if it was only for a little while.

*Tolya* i think. He saved me. Him and his sister, Tammar, who is my best friend. They saved me, and gave me a new life.  Helped me through the darkest part  part of my life. And i will always be thankful for them. They saves my life.

And as the fire got closer, the heat got hotter, all i could think was *It's finally time. My suffering is going to end. I'll feel no more pain*  But, i can't think like that, my mind starts flashbacks to when i was happy.

Running in the fields with my mom and dad,  sleeping with them when there was a storm,  going to the markets with them and wanting to get everything. 

And my mind thought of the long night chat i had With Tolya, how Tammar taught me to fight, how they were always there when i had a nightmare. How i would call Sturmhond and pirate instead of a Privater to annoy him. How my eyes widened with joy when we flew. I thought about everything good that had happened to me in this short time.

As the fire started to burn higher, i herd my name being called.

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