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you look at his muscular fiigure standing above you, "its finally happening" you lift up sitting on your knees you start to rub your hands up and down his abs before finally unbuckling his belt then taking off his black jeans, as you pull his pants off you see his buldge, you think to yourself "how the hell is that supposed to fit inside of me... I want to lick it, and taste it,"oh fuck this" you say loudly as you take out his cock he chuckles to himself "I cant wait to taste it.." "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP "FUCKKKKK" you yell out loud slaming your hand on your alarm clock "I was so close to tasting it" you wanted to cry all you wanted was to taste your bosses cock, thats all was that too much to ask for?. You get up out of your comfortable bed to get ready for work the only reason you dont call out of work every fucking day is because of "HIM" your boss he was so fucking hot he made you soaking wet one particualar time when you were promoted you ran up to him and hugged him he suprisingly hugged you back the smell of his colonge made your toes curl when you let go of him you appologized profusley while running out of his office you had a light blush on your face you walked to the bathroom... and suprise, suprise you were soaking wet. everyday you wake up your remind yourself of that day for some reason it makes your day better just thinking about the fact you hugged you hugged him.-TIME SKIP- you finally pull up to your job you would be late everyday but nah. you walk past the first desk clerk and give her a goodmorning she had bags under her eyes you whispered to yourself "looks like me hello made her day a bit betetr" because her eyes lit up when you said it. you got on the elevator but as soon as the door was about to close a hand pushed through it "ugh just like these mf movie scenes it better be my man" and of course it was because your in a wattpad book dumbass when your boss walked in the elevator you pressed the highest floor, you were his secretary. So your both going on the same floor you made small talk with hin "Good morning boss" you said excitedly "Y/N I told you, you dont have to call me boss" "yes da- i mean yes siir" "good morning gil" "thats better"when the elevator doors opened one of the bosswomen got in she was eyeing gil but deep down you know she wanted you, she said so. unless she was just saying that to get closer to your mans before you say anything he is my mans he just dont know it yet. the bosswoman wrapped her arms around you and gave you a hug squeezing you tight she smelled your hair ngl she was kind of weird and is it just me or does gil look kind of irritated when she hugged me he looked away trying to avoid eye contact with her, when she finally let go it was time for her to get off the elevator she gave me a lil peck on the cheek now about this workplace there are no limits to love and dating cowerkers weird but im not gonna question it she exited the elevator, gil was the first one to speak "i think ms, carla likes you" "please dont say that gil she already tried to toumge me down at the last work party" you giggled "well Y/n there is gonna be a work party tonight so she might try to do it again" he laughed but all i did was frown i whispered but loud enough for him to hear "i want someone else here" as you said that he let out a loud "what!? as he said that the elevator doors opened and you speed walked out and hurried into your office. you felt devious, 20 minutes later you got a bunch of work done in that short amount of time you heard a knock on your door, you were hoping it was gil but it was carla you sighed in your head she came and sat on your dest "hey carla can i help you?" she smirked and came around your desk she pulled your chair back and sat on your lap she started to rub your head and lick your neck your tired to tell her that was enough but she wouldnt stop

I walked pass Y/N's office and heard her i put my ear to her office door and i kind of heard her struggling, "CARLA" i bust through the door and saw Y/N sitting in her desk chair while carla was ontop of her "carla get the hell off of her!" carla looked at me annoyed "your no fun" she bumped into me on purpose while exiting the office i closed Y/N's office door and walked towards her she looked kind of cute in a freightend state but the way i say it make it sound weird.. i walked beside her and asked her if i could touch her she shook her head and said "that was something" she chuckled she was so cute "uhm so now that im i\

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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