"It's been days, muña," Rhaegar said, his expression one of fear and worry. "You've been asleep for days."

"None of us could wake you," Aemma sobbed into Rhaella's shoulders. "They said you were going to die—"

It felt like a bolt of lightning had struck Rhaella.

Her sons. Aegon, Visenya, Rhaenys. The dragons. Jon Stark. The Night King. The Prince That Was Promised.

Another dragon roar echoed, this time much louder and rage-filled than the one before. It seemed the stone foundations of the Red Keep trembled with the force of the creature's cry. Rhaella turned her head to see Gaelith's dark figure fly past the windows of her chambers, her dragon's black scales glistening in the sunlight. Rhaella felt Gaelith call to her, her dragon's soul singing for hers.

Further over King's Landing, Rhaella could see the forms of Silverwing and Vermithor circling each other, shrieks and clicks escaping the mated dragons as they flew. Even further in the distance, Rhaella could see Meleys's distant shape as the Red Queen shot fire up into the sky, the she-dragon's furious cries heard all the way in the Red Keep.

"They broke free of the Dragonpit the day you fell asleep," Rhaegar said, his amethyst eyes trained on his dragon. "The keepers do not understand what angered them. Gaelith had damaged the flooring of the pit on her way out, but none of the small folk were injured. Gaelith, Silverwing, Vermithor, and Meleys have been flying in the skies the last three days, circling the Red Keep and King's Landing. None of us can figure out how to calm them."

"They sense the magic of Old Valyria," Rhaella murmured.

Rhaenys, Rhaegar, and Aemma paused at her words. Aemma slowly rose from her position curled beside Rhaella, moving to stand at Rhaegar's side. Rhaella didn't notice, continuing to stare out at the dragons who continued to roar and shriek and send fire into the skies.

"What is it, Rhaella?" Rhaenys asked softly. Rhaella tore her gaze away from her window to look at the Targaryen woman. They stared at each other for several moments. King Jaehaerys's warning echoed in Rhaella's mind once more as it had a hundred times before, but this time, it was joined by the warnings of Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys and the words of her mother Aemma.

"I...I need to kepa," Rhaella said resolutely. She picked up the blankets that lay over her and shoved them off. She rose from the bed, ignoring Rhaegar's attempts to help her despite the shakiness of her legs.

"What? No, muña, you need to rest—" Rhaegar tried to protest, watching dumbfounded as Rhaella walked to her vanity and grabbed her dark red robe. She pulled it over her nightgown, tying it tightly around her waist as she began to walk towards the exit of her chambers.

"I need to see him," Rhaella said over her shoulder. Gaelith roared, causing the windows to rattle. Rhaegar turned helplessly to Rhaenys, hoping the woman could speak some sense into Rhaella. But, Rhaenys was not going to do anything of the sort.

The older woman was studying Rhaella with something akin to pride in her violet eyes. It was as though Rhaenys knew something that Rhaegar didn't, and Rhaegar frowned deeply.

"Are you sure, Rhaella?" Rhaenys asked softly, already moving to join Rhaella. The Peaceful Princess nodded resolutely.

"Yes, I am sure," Rhaella said. Her gaze went from Rhaenys to where Rhaegar and Aemma stood by her bed. Their faces were still covered in tears as they stared back at their mother, their expressions filled with worry and trepidation. Yes, Rhaella decided, she had kept her dreams secret long enough.

The walk to Viserys's chambers was silent. Rhaella led the way, followed closely by Rhaenys, Rhaegar, Aemma, and Ser Robert. The corridors to Maegor's Holdfast were empty save for a few maids carrying linen. The tension, the feeling of doom that Rhaella had been feeling for days had settled into a quiet strength, a preparedness for what she knew was quickly approaching. It could not have been a coincidence, the timing of her dream, her father's ill health, the Driftmark petitions. War was coming, just as Rhaella and Daemon had known it would.

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