Chapter 6: The Fight

Start from the beginning





"How about-"

Edgar sighs disapprovingly. "Look, we can see you clearly don't care about your own life. Fine. But if you ever do need help, you know where to find us."

Edgar makes his way to the front door, followed closely by his brother. 

Just before leaving, Alan turns to me, nods, then exits the shop.


All four of them are waiting at the corner when I arrive, even though I'm early.

We saunter through the streets as a full moon gleams above us. We swap stories about Santa Carla and its locals. Marko insists that I go the fun way to the cave next time, and I promise to consider it.

There's a kind of joy stirring in me that I don't often get to experience. 

It's something truly special.

The sea breeze pulls locks of wispy hair from my braid as we reach the boys' favourite spot on the boardwalk. It's partially lit by fire, shadows dancing across the cream arches, and highlighting every detail of my friends' faces.

We're watching the rolling sea when a group approaches behind us. Their laughter causes me to spin on my heels.

Callum and his posse bare yellowed teeth in a quietly hostile manner.

"Well, look who we found." one jeers.

"Fuck off." Paul retorts.

"Aw, don't be like that." another one adds. "We're just tryna be friendly. You guys sure know about being friendly, don't cha?"

Callum spits, his saliva wrapping around the sand that lines the floor. "Friendly with people's girls."

David smiles calmly. "We were just talking. No harm in that."

"Not the first time we've caught you, though, is it? Then you got us kicked off the boardwalk. I've about had it with your stupid little games."

Callum rolls up his sleeves, swaying drunkenly. One of his friends cautions him, but he's clearly beyond reason.

Dwayne puts his hand firmly on Marko's shoulder, holding him back. "Let's not do this."

"Why? You all bark and no bite? You just a bunch of pussies?"

David strides forward. Easily. Assertively. He stops just short of Callum's reach. "C'mon. Don't you have better places to be? Go home to your mum before you get sent there in an ambulance."

Callum throws his jacket to a short, sturdy surfer. The group leer at us. They're serious. They will fight us, and I don't like our chances against five jocks, one of whom is a policeman's son.

I feel a hand reach for my arm.

I practically leap forward, holding David by the shoulder, urging him to fall back. I've seen how these fights end and it's not a situation I want to be in. David seems shocked by my sudden action, his weight shifting onto his back foot.

Callum lunges.

His hand collides with my face. Noise erupts from both parties before an eerie silence takes over.

I reach a hand to my mouth.

To Callum's apparent horror, I move a bloodied finger away from the cut, putting the blossoming red on full display.

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