Chapter 2

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The next day I was on my way to Tracys dads house where Doug was. When I pulled in Doug was loading up a Mercedes.

"Holy shit where did you get the car?!" i asked my brother in shock

"Tracy's dad let me use it. Only I can drive." Doug said while I put my bags in the trunk.

"Phils not gonna like that."

When I got into the backseat I saw Alan Tracy's brother in the front seat. "Hey Alan, I didn't know you were coming." he responded not knowing I was coming then we drove off.

We were parked in front of the school where Phil worked. I sat in the back looking at the door waiting for Phil when Alan said something that caught my attention.

"Did you have to park so close?" Alan asked.

"Yeah what's wrong?" Dough asked

"I shouldn't be here."

"Why?" I asked joining the conversation.

"I'm not supposed to be within two hundred feet of a school." He answered

"Or a Chuck E, Cheese." he finished leaving me shocked and curious about what he did. I was pulled out of my thoughts again when I heard Phil saying to the kid that he didn't know him.

"Shit nice car" he said

"I'm driving," Phil told my brother.

"No chance, hey watch the leather." Doug said while Phil stepped in.

"Shut up and drive before more nerds ask me a question."

"You are such a great teacher aren't you." I said sarcastically.

"Hey Em." he said, wrapping his arm around me. "Who's this?" he asked, pointing at Alan.

"Alan Tracy's brother." I said

"I've met you like four times." Alan responded while I held in a laugh.

We got to Stu's house to pick him up where he lived with his bitch of a girlfriend.

"I can't believe he is still with her." I said while Phil agreed.

"Who's gonna get him?" Phil asked.

"I'll do it." I said getting out but Phil held me back

"No, if she sees you he might not be able to go." Phil said "I'll do it" he started yelling for Stu while we waited until he finally came out.

We finally hit the road.

"Who wants beers?" Phil asked the group.

"I do." I said while he gave me one. Alan stood up while yelling at a girl in the car next to us then she flipped him off. Alan started to sit down while me and Phil laughed.

"Come on let me drive"

"No, I promised Sid I will be the only one driving the car." Doug said. "Also you're drinking."

"Are you a cop now?" Phil said. "You know I drive great when I'm drunk." he defended.

"That is true he is our designated drunk driver." I said helping Phil out.

"Thank you!"

"You wanna explain it to them Alan?" Doug interrupted.

"My dad loves this car more than me." Alan explained.

"Whatever I left my students behind so I could go with you guys to Vegas. You know how difficult that was." Phil said.

"That's really sweet." Alan said.

"I'm being sarcastic," Phil stated "I fucking hate my life. I may never go back. I might just stay in Vegas."

"Hey, what about Lucas?" I asked offended.

"I would come and grab you and him then go back." Phil said back.

"Here we go."

"Doug, enjoy yourself because Sunday you're just gonna start dying just a bit a day."

"You don't say this stuff in front of Lucas right?"

"No I don't"

"Who's Lucas?" Alan asked

"Our kid." I answered.

"You have a kid together."

"Ya we just aren't together we are like Ross and Rachel."

"Any way he is right that's why I've managed to stay single all this time." Alan said. Phil and I looked at each other knowing that probably wasn't true. Then while Doug tried to change lanes he almost got us hit by a semi-truck.

"Holy shit that was crazy!" I yelled.

"You okay?" Phil asked, making sure I was okay.

"Ya I'm okay." 


So the second chapter is done. I'm trying to add as much tension as I can. Also i don't write smut so sorry for that. I am going to start whos POV it is because i do want some Phils POV.

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