Tails Doll has the mentality of a child...a child with brain damage to be more precise.

Yeah, Tails Doll is really stupid and usually can't follow the simplest of orders without messing up.

He is your GIR and a lot of the times you can't stand him.

However, you never got rid of him or punished him for anything.

He was your first creation and because of that you're rather sentimental and protective of him despite his stupidity.

Tails Doll is rarely sad and even when he is it's for very brief periods and he can be easily cheered up.

He's like your weird pet and he really does love you like one.

Tails Doll theme:


Rocket:Another one of your earlier creations, Rocket was clearly based off of Metal Sonic

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Another one of your earlier creations, Rocket was clearly based off of Metal Sonic.

After seeing Metal Sonic you were amazed and wanted to try your hand at something similar.

Unfortunately, while Rocket is quite fast and decent at combat, he is just a lesser version of Metal Sonic.

More of a prototype Metal Sonic than anything.

He lacks the ability to copy others for example.

Despite this he still has his uses.

He is mainly used as a spy Drone to gather information on new areas or situations.

It's a good role for him and you'd only improve from here.

Rocket Metal's theme:



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Future Stories, Ideas and Suggestions for anyone to try if they want Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin