Teddies and Tears

Start from the beginning

"Not the point, Lipton". Jessica shakes her head, smiling at the bickering and joining in with her own memory. She would watch her oldest each time he threw the then youngest child into the water, even taking time out of college to throw in Celeste.

"What about when you found out about Kit's sleepwalking?"

"Mom!" Weston chuckles some, remembering how he had woken up in the night by his son's screaming. Kit had walked into the kitchen in her sleep while Lips and Duncan were grabbing a midnight snack. They had woken up the entire house, including Kit herself at that moment.

"What about when your dad beat up a few bullies back when we were younger?" Duncan suggests, causing the room to go silent. Kit shifts uncomfortably, Weston looks like he stopped breathing, and Jessica starts playing with her wedding ring. Meanwhile, Lips looks around, confused at his worried sister and parents' reactions. Was it something he had done a while ago?

"Sorry, when did I do that?" he asks, shifting his weight with both his youngest sister and daughter now lying on him.

"You don't remember? Oh man, you were a beast!" Duncan quickly, and carefully, stood up from his spot and posed heroically. He was leaning on his good leg. Dolly looks at her uncle quizzingly as he hobbles in place.

"Dad fought as a kid?"

"Nah, this was when he was, what, 21-years old? His college days," Duncan thinks, "Celeste was being bullied and the bullies decided to target all three of us, but your dad came in one visit and BAM! WHACK! KA-POW! He beat them up! Lipton basically saved the day". Pearl covers her ears at Duncan's exclaiming, watching as he punches the air. Gabrielle pulls him back down to the sofa, rolling her eyes. Lips looks even more confused now.

"Now I really don't remember that".

"That's... Dummy, that's not what happened. You're being a drama queen again. I'll tell you kids what actually happened," Kit interjects, "but it may be a bit scary, so hold onto your parents". Dolly sits forward in her seat, Faith grabs into her mom's arm, and Pearl snuggles into Lips, all staring at their Aunt Kit.

"It happened a long while ago, before Duncan had his beard and height," she begins, "back when I was 15-years-old, Duncan was 11, and Celeste was 6..."

In the year 19??, the three Meriwether siblings were walking around their hometown. Kit was leading Celeste by her hand and was finishing a cherry ice pop in her other hand. Celeste walked with her favorite stuffed tiger in her other arm, hiding the bottom half of her face with it. Next to them was Duncan, who had finished his orange ice pop and was twirling the wooden stick between his fingers.

"Are you sure you don't want a taste, Celeste? It's your all-time favorite," Kit asked, holding the ice pop to her younger sister. The youngest Meriwether shook her head and buried her face more into her stuffed animal. Kit stopped walking and knelt down to Celeste's height, causing Duncan to stop. He looked back at the girls and threw the ice pop stick in a nearby trash can.

"What's wrong?" he asked, stopping next to Kit.

"Celeste, what's wrong?" It took a bit of coaxing, but Celeste revealed her troubles to her sister by whispering in her ear. A few of the town bullies were bugging her about bringing her stuffed tiger everywhere she went, including to school. There were a few older kids as well, maybe in high school at most. Kit nods understandingly and hugs her sister gently.

"Celeste, if someone makes fun of you again, come and find us or tell mom and dad. We'll take care of them," she suggested. Celeste nodded while her sister patted her head lovingly. Kit stood back up and began walking again, Duncan following right after her. He leaned in close and whispered to his sister.

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