🌸 Cherry Blossoms (One Shot) 🌸

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"Hey! Let's go! Get that order out now or else you're gone!" The boss kept screaming. You couldn't help but scramble around the kitchen trying to grab what was needed but thankfully you were able to. "Sorry for the wait.. let's get you your food now. Chicken strips for the cutie, a double bacon cheese burger for dad, and a small cheese burger for mom. Is there anything else I can get you guys?" You asked the family with a smile. They declined and you went off to do your other duties.

As time passes its time to clock out of work and head home. You put your earbuds in and turn your music on shuffle. When you finally get home your roommate is dancing wildly in the living room. You chuckle and go to your room to change. As you look in the mirror you sigh as you see all the dirt and grease on your uniform. "I really need a vaction.." you sigh and continue to change.

Once youre done changing you leave your room to fix dinner which is just cheap ramen. As youre making your bowl your roommate starts up a conversation."You know KQ Entertainment just debuted a new group." Your roommates says as she stuffs her face with cheap ramen. "Ah yeah. So ive heard. I dont really know what they look like or sound like though." You say stirring your ramen. "We should go to one of their concerts. You really need to get out more. It's kinda sad to be honest.." your roommate sighs and slowly stops eating. You groan but agree. "I'll think about it.."

"Y/N what's wrong with you? Why can't you do anything right?.." you zone out as your ears start to ring. Your eyes turn fuzzy and you slowly fall to sleep. "She's okay. She just needs some rest. And I mean a lot of rest." You could hear a faint voice across the room but you can't move very well. You can see your roommate walking towards you. "Hey Y/N.. how you feeling? Any better?" Your roommate asks. You groan and try to sit up. It was difficult but you mannage. "Ah im okay.. im kind of hungry though. What happened?" You ask as you wince to the pain of a head ache. "You got dizzy at work and fainted. I had to rush you to the hospital.. thankfully everything is okay and you can come home in a couple if hours.." your roommate says with worried smile and teary eyes. You sigh and took a deep breath "Okay. I'll go.."

A few weeks pass and its time for the concert. You and your roommate could only find tickets to Japan since all the ones in the U.S sold out. "Hey its like a festival! This is so cool!" You can hear the excitement in your roommates voice. It makes you smile. As you walk around you notice a Cherry blossom tree. "Hey let's go to that vendor over there!" Your roommate grabs your arm and drags you along with them. It's closing in on time for the concert venue to open so everyone makes their way to the doors.

You could hear every single person's heart beat as they wait for the doors to open. "Y/N it's gonna be fine. We got decent seats so it'll be great!" Your roommate says as they pat you on the shoulder. You shrug it off but in all honesty you're kind of nervous as it's your first concert.

As the concert start you can sense the love and passion the fans have for this group. You envy that. It's soothing and heart warming. The music starts and you can just tell this whole trip was worth it. The wardrobe, music style, the makeup, the dancing, the visuals, just everything was starting to make sense as to why people were so passionate about them.

Half way through the concert your roommate is crying and half their voice is gone from screaming so much but you're happy. You watch in awe. You could see and hear how sincere the group is towards their fans. It made you happy and jealous because you want what they have. You noticed a certain Member and turn towards your roommate. "Hey who's that?" You ask them. "Oh that's San. His vocals and visuals are completely out of this world." They say. You smile a little and continue to watch them sing and dance..

"Y/N that was so fun! I'm so glad you could come with me! Though you seem very interested in my bias so I hate to break it to you but he's mine!" Your roommate laughs as they walk beside you and starts screaming lyrics from the concert. You laugh it off. "He just caught my eye a little. It's not like I'm in love with the guy.." you push your roommate gently in a joking way. "We still have a little time to check out the rest of the vendors for merch. So let's go!" Your roommates grabs your arm and drags you along. You both walk around looking for merch which was surprisingly not expensive. You notice the Cherry Blossom tree again. "Hey I'll be right back. I want to check something out.." you tell your roommate before walking off..

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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