Chapter 19. Revenge

Start from the beginning

An explosion followed shortly after, the force being enough to throw everyone on deck slightly. Erica tried her hardest to cover Kiri and Tuk from the bright light and blast despite being tied up.

"He's here." Erica spoke aloud to no one in particular as she watched the flames dance across the boat. The sounds of painful shouts being heard from every direction possible.

Everyone on deck got into their fighting positions, waiting for the inevitable attack. 

Gunshots and cries for help being heard in the distance. Quaritch was trying to get a response from anyone on his blue team, but there was only static on the other side. 

Jake was pissed off, and nothing was going to stop him from getting his daughters back.

Erica couldn't help but smirk at the obvious fear that Quaritch was feeling as the gunshots got closer. That's right, bitch. She thought. Be fucking afraid.

Quaritch spotted something running in the shadows, something that was obviously not one of his Avatar's. He started to shoot, but whoever was there was too fast for his bullets.

Whoever it was, they were getting closer by the second and Quaritch's fear increased the second he realized he was out of ammo. He pulled out his knife, waiting for the inevitable fight that was coming to him.

That day he learned never to fuck with grieving parents.

A familiar arrow struck one of the Sky people close to Quaritch and the girls as Tuk let out an excited squeal. "It's mom!" 

Quaritch's ears dropped at the sight of the arrow, fear coursing through his body at how close she was to him. Erica noticed and took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire.

"That's right, fucker. They're coming for you." Quaritch turned to face the girls, an angry snarl on his face. That didn't phase either of them one bit as Tuk gave him her most intense and anger filled hiss she could muster.

Erica could've sworn she saw Quaritch flinch.

He walked towards the three of them, knife in hand as he grabbed Kiri by her braid. "Don't fucking touch her!" Erica shouted, trying her hardest to fight him off. 

He held the knife to Kiri's throat as a threat and Erica quickly backed off, letting out a hiss of frustration. As she watched Quaritch take her sister away she felt as if she failed yet again to protect one of her little siblings.

As a silhouette was approaching the two remaining girls, Erica put herself in front of Tuk, ready to protect her from whatever was approaching. 

As the person stepped out of the Shadow's, relief filled Erica's body as she let her shoulder's relax. "Dad!" She whispered as Tuk peered out from behind her sister, a smile on her face at the sight of their father.

He instantly ran over to his daughters, releasing them from the railing with his knife. "Are you guys okay?" He asked, pulling his two girls into his arms and holding them as tight as he could.

"Yeah, were okay." Erica spoke, patting Tuk on the top of her head.

Jake looked around for a moment, noticing the absence of his middle child. What relief he once felt was replaced by fear. "Where's Kiri?"

"He took her that way." Erica nodded her head in the direction of where she saw Quaritch take her. Jake nodded, standing up to his full height and turning to face where his daughter went.

"Stay behind me, okay?" Jake spoke as he gripped his knife tightly. Erica nodded, holding Tuk's hand as they followed behind their father closely.

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