"You want the whole list or just an example?"

"I'd pay for it. It would be good for my fans, we could record vlogs and so on. You would be doing me a favour with it. And I already have everything booked either way. My parents would be more than happy to look after the three rascals and we would only be gone for three weeks anyways. Your semester holidays start next week which is when our plane would go. After coming back you would still have two weeks to catch up with studies. I already called in, the bar can let you off officially for two weeks and the third will be covered by Lena. And a lot of students search holiday jobs so the librarian said it wouldn't be a problem."

Sora finished her monologue, leaving Ahri speechless for a few seconds.

"You already thought of everything, huh?" She still didn't know if she could accept the offer, maybe she should ask her siblings if they would be okay with it.

"I also already asked your siblings the last time I looked after them. They would be thrilled to live in 'Auntie Choi's house'."

Ahri smiled to herself, Sora normally wasn't someone to plan ahead but if she really wanted something she suddenly thought of everything.

After short consideration she came to a decision: "Okay, I'll go with you."

"Los Angeles here we come!" Sora yelled and pulled her luggage after her.

The two had just arrived at the LA airport about twenty minutes ago and were now walking towards their uber to drive to the hotel.

"It smells different, don't you think?" Ahri just shook her head in amusement and followed her best friend.

"By the way, are you planning on visiting Jake?" Sora asked after they had entered the car and had given the driver their destination.

"Not really, I'm not even sure if he knows that I'm in LA."

"He still follows my Insta and liked the post I made of us on the plane. So he definitely knows. Maybe he will contact you later."

Jake was Ahri's last boyfriend. They had been together for a bit over a year but the break up was now also a year ago.

Ahri was hurt by Jake leaving but he had to move back to LA to care for his grandma. Both somehow knew that long distance wouldn't work out for them.

It still didn't help with Ahri's trust issues that everyone she loved was going to leave at some point.

Until they arrived at the hotel Ahri just listened to Sora's rambling about how excited she was for their trip.

"We're here ladies. Have a nice stay." They bid their goodbyes and entered the lobby. It looked quite fancy and Ahri immediately felt bad, knowing Sora was paying all this for her.

"Room 204" The lady behind the counter said but Ahri didn't understand most of her conversation with Sora either way. Her English was enough not to get lost but that was about it.

"This is crazy!" Sora exclaimed once they entered their suit and Ahri was too stunned to reply.

It wasn't over the top luxurious but it had everything it needed and looked quite cozy. Ahri was just sad she couldn't give her siblings something like that - not yet at least.

"Look over here, it seems as if someone important is arriving!"

Ahri joined Sora at the window and looked down at the entrance where several black cars had parked.

The press and what seemed like fans awaited them on their arrival but from their view the girls couldn't make out who had just arrived.

"I have another surprise for you by the way!" Sora remember and hurried to fetch her purse.

"Please don't. You are already doing so much for me, I can't accept anything else" Ahri tried to argue but the look on her friend's face told her that it would be of no use.

"Okay, then see this as you doing me a favour. You will accompany me to this!"

Ahri looked at the tickets in her hands and recognise them as concert tickets.

Concert tickets from...


"We both like them and their music and I know you always wanted to meet them, meet Hyunjin again."

"Thank you so much, I've always wanted to go to one of their concerts."

Ahri hugged her best friend and swayed them from side to side.

"It's not just the concert, turn the ticket around!" Sora smiled and pushed Ahri away gently for her to be able to take a closer look at the tickets.

"Wait what? Did you seriously..?"
And again Sora was suffocated by a tight hug.

"You don't know how much I love you right now!"

"You don't always love me this much?!?" Sora teased and shoved her best friend playfully.

The latter still couldn't believe it.

They were going to go to a private Meet & Greet with the members of Straykids and have them as special guests for Sora's youtube channel.

She was going to meet them all, how would they act in real life, would she get along with them.

A lot of questions flooded through Ahri's mind that night but the most common was if Hyunjin was going to recognise her.

~It sounds like a Hyunjin fic right now although it isn't
~Who do you think arrived at the hotel? — I bet you'll never guess
~anyways, this was the official start of a new story, I'll hope you enjoy

~until next chapter

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