The End

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After 15 years, 

      A women watching a raising sun in her chamber,

     Today is the day of ending of old things and beginning of the new time,  yes 15 years were finished in these a lots of things changed mainly people mindset,  their perspective towards women, caste were changed bharata karna is the one changed everything with the help of Krishna. He extended the punishment of my husbands and gauravas because eventhough they agreed to be friendly with each other but sometimes they started to fight in vanvas also so bharata extended each year for each fight.

Lakshman, vrihasenan were the only two prince bagawan parasuram agreed to train them. My sons, other prince even lakshmi and aaradhana were trained by my govind.
Actually,  lakshman came two days before to hastinapur but vrihasena is went to the border to bring some soldiers to hastinapur for coronation ceremony,  yes today only my bharata going to be crowned as a king of baratavansh officially but I don't know my mind were saying different things. 

  Draupadi! Draupadi.....  Bhanumathi called. 

The woman turned smiled to her sister cum friend, bhanu...,  what happened?

Mmmm...., I were searching you for whole palace, but you were standing here,  with your thoughts, 

Bhanu,  I was just thinking about today's coronation do you think bharata will accept the crown now? 

Actually drupadi I am also not sure about that,  you know in all these years he never sit on the throne for once, and you know vrushali bhabi is not happy about bharata taking up the responsibility and all only God knows what he will do today... That tension will handle by our bharata,  now come on we have to make ready for puja and our sons and daughters are still now not wake up... Said bhanumathi.

Oh yes yes I totally forget about that gandhari mata will be ready to do puja I will go and taken care of puja preparation you go and take care of children I can't handle them,  bhanu actually I have to ask one thing,  what is your mindset about ending of this vanvas and all, asked draupadi.

Do you asking about arrival of our husbands back?  Draupadi nodded.  Mmmmmmmm......... Happy what about you? 

Happy only...,  OK OK we will talk later.


Finally 15 years of punishment over,  as draupadi said today everyone planned to make karna as king,  but what he planned no one knows,  bheshma agreed to sikandini that after karna became king he will die at her hand,  dronacharya actually in a deathbed,  ashwathama were taking care of him,  even karna will also take care of him,  dronacharya will cry whenever he sees karna he realized his fault.  Dussasan was actually protected draupadi alot,  he even teach her sword fighting also.  Draupadi discovers herself in these years,  she started to paint a lot nowadays.  Bhanumathi,  draupadi,  vrushali were inseparable,  these three were ruled anga, hastinapur and indraprasath perfectly. 

Kunti was actually accompanied karna to his dig vijaya,  she taken care of him and his soldiers,  slowly karna also talked to her, but everyone forgive her? No but tries to forget and move on. 


Vrushali's chamber, 

     Karna and vrushali were sleeping in the bed,  sun started to arise,  vrushali wake up and sees her husband,  whose eyes were closed, 

  Aarya! What happened why you are not getting up? 

Karna hugged her and said,  no vrushali I want to sleep,  can you say to my father to go to his house again,  I don't want today,

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