"Where are you taking him?" Ryuhei couldn't stop himself from blurting out. Yoojin smiled and pushed up his glasses with the tip of his fingers, placing a gentle arm around his boyfriend and bringing him close to him. Such protectiveness and possessiveness showed. "Somewhere that does not concern you."

Yoojin's prickly attitude towards the others has returned and it doubled once everyone began trying to hog his boyfriend all to themselves. Though a simple order from him was enough for them to be reminded that he was still, and will always be, above.


For the whole car ride to where Yoojin's surprise apparently was, he had Shikami blindfolded and sitting by his side, making sure his hand stays in his to remind him he's safe and not alone. Even when Shikami fell asleep on his shoulder, he still hadn't let go of his hand. Often bringing it to his lips and kissing the back of his hand tenderly. He couldn't help but smile lovingly at him, despite him not being able to see him.

After several minutes of just quietly gazing at his beloved boyfriend, they finally arrived at their final destination. Gently, and almost as if he didn't actually want to wake him up, Yoojin placed a hand against the other's cheek, caressing it until he stirred awake.

Shikami made a little noise as he stretched, like a soft tiny squeak that earned him a small peck on his lips. He shyly covered his face with his hand and lowered his head, but Yoojin placed a gentle finger on his chin and made him raise his head, kissing him again but longer.

"Don't let go of my hand and don't take off the blindfold yet," he whispered after parting his lips from the other. Shikami nodded wordlessly and held the latter's hand tighter, walking closer as Yoojin lead him away.


The way his real name rolled off Yoojin's tongue made a shiver crawl up his spine, blushing but answering to him. "Yoojin?"

"You know how there are times when I'd tell you how I want to live a life that doesn't put me or any of the people I love at risk?" Yoojin spoke softly while resuming on guiding his boyfriend, holding his hand while an arm wrapped around his waist, carefully letting him walk on the asphalt and gravel.

"Yeah, then I'd tell you that I want a peaceful life that doesn't require me to kill anyone and I don't have to hear the words that hurt me before again," Shikami replied with a small smile. "I want to live that life with you, but with our line of work? That's gonna be a long, long way to go."

"What if it isn't a long way to go? What if that life is just within our reach?" Yoojin questioned, though Shikami was not sure if he was meant to answer that or not, so he stayed quiet and listened to his boyfriend talk. "What if, even for a small period of time, we can live the life we want together?"

Without him even noticing it, Shikami held his breath once they finally stopped walking. He strained his ears to hear anything, letting his other senses go wild just so he can get a little idea of where he was. He trusts Yoojin wasn't going to do anything to him but there was still a sliver of doubt, they were both criminals after all, Yoojin could just be as cruel as he was, maybe not in his method of killing, but in his ways of destroying a person.

"Yoojin?" He whispered, scared yet helpful. He felt a small squeeze on his hand and waist, sighing in relief that he was still there even though he hadn't let go of him the moment they stepped out of the car.

"You can take the blindfold off now, my love."

Hesitantly, almost as if he was terrified of what he's about to see, Shikami slowly removed the cloth covering his eyes, opening them to see a beautiful yet small modern house, just enough to fit for a timid couple that wanted to live a peaceful life.

Shikami brought a hand up to his mouth as he gasped in delight in surprise, looking back and forth from Yoojin and to the house.

"You bought this?" He asked in disbelief, tears prickling the corner of his eyes as Yoojin smiled down at him, the loving look in his eyes never failing to make him melt in his arms. "For us. For you. Do you like it?"

"I-I love it!"

Yoojin nearly stumbled over as Shikami jumped in his arms, hugging with so much happiness that they were both a laughing, loving mess. Shikami kept kissing Yoojin gratefully, giggling and clinging onto him.

"But that's not my only surprise for you," he said while placing the shorter back down on the ground, taking a step back from him.


At first, Shikami was confused why Yoojin made a gap between them, then realization dawned on him once the latter bent down on one knee, taking a box out of his back pocket and presenting what was inside of it to him.

"Don't worry, I'm not proposing to you yet so don't feel too pressured." Yoojin chuckled as he saw the horrified look on the other's face turn into a flustered mess. "But, I do want to make a promise. One that I'll always keep."

"I, Yoojin, promise to make [L.Name] [M.Name] the happiest person in the world. My heart will only belong to him, in death and in sorrow. And my body will only be his to hold and to touch, to love and to lean on."

"Actually," Shikami spoke with tears already staining his face, smiling at his boyfriend with so much love he couldn't contain, "I wanted to surprise you too but I couldn't find the time to properly do it."

Suddenly, he pulled a thin box from the pocket of his blazer jacket, it's black and gold colour indicating how expensive it must've been. Shikami carefully took the lid off and placed the now open box in front of Yoojin, feeling proud of this moment.

In the box was a necklace with a ring, similar to the one in the box Yoojin himself held.

"Can I make a promise too?"

"Of course, love." Yoojin's heart swelled as he fought back his own tears, the love he had for the boy greatly overpowering all the other emotions he's felt in his life.

"I, [L.Name] [M.Name], promise Yoojin that I'll never leave him, even when the time comes where he loses everything, even when the world turns it's back against him, even when he turns his back on me. I'll stay by his side until we be separated by death, and even in my grief, my heart belongs stays with him."

"I love you," he whispered, taking the ring Yoojin held in the box and wearing it.

Yoojin did the same with the necklace, wearing it around his neck and smiling fondly at his boyfriend.

"I love you more. Always."

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