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Dressed like a pumpkin

By james a. galgano

It was almost after dark.

Though I lingered in the park

Beneath lamplights tearing above

Thinking about this thing called love.

From 8th grade on it took me by surprise

Left often without a word come true.

I was such an awkward creature.

In my aging reflection someone I never knew

Often looking back in anger or was that my laughter.

In all my photos what was I searching for but forever after

I kissed my first woman at such late age.

It was almost like a sacrament I still long to taste.

Yet I was without a doubt or maybe more.

so, I cant relate

the first time I made love to a woman.

she in fact made love to me.

she was so much younger.

I had no clue what was supposed to be.

Yet she rode on top of me for hours.

Beneath tree and within car my brother knew

I was such an awkward creature upon reflection I never knew.

Then time pushed me forward once again upon young girls lips

I was like a foolish thought-out time eclipsed

In fact, the first time I met someone I loved.

I let her escape within my grasp undefined

And instead romanced her sister though furthest thing from my mind.

I was never sure who I was though into every mirror I searched.

Dressed like a pumpkin or jack o lantern I would be.

Searching for romantic man I never was though believed so in analogy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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