The Malfoy Family Part 2

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The red spark flashes into the air
Draco pulls Hermione and Lyra closer
Someone else fires a red spark
Lyra: daddy it's right there someone else put a red spark
She runs towards it and points
Let's follow it daddy!
She starts running
Draco: runs after her. Wait Lyra! Wait!
Hermione follows them and chuckles
Lucius comes out
Lucius: There's my Lyra.
He grabs her and kisses her all around
How's my beautiful daughter in law has Draco been treating you alright
Draco pulls Hermione closer
Hermione: yes it's been amazing back home
She hugs Lucius and they both head inside
Lucius: Come on Draco
Draco: Yes Father. Where are we going?
Lucius: to get your car where else?
Narcissa: Hello girls
Lyra runs to Narcissa and hugs her
Lyra:Hi grandma. I missed you
Narcissa:Me to darling me to
Hermione smiles
Narcissa looks up
Narcissa: and how are you beautiful?
Hermione: wonderful
Lyra: granny I'm hungry
Narcissa: Cmon my sweetheart I'll get you something to eat
Hermione: I'll go and get the room set up for Draco he's been driving for hours. He is absolutely exhausted.
Narcissa while pouring the juice Ok darling
Hermione is in the room making the bed
And hears a creaking noise.
Hermione looks around and tries to find where the noises are coming from. Hermionie screams as she's left on the floor
Narcissa: Lyra baby stay here don't move!
Narcissa runs upstairs to Hermiones room and finds her lying on the floor bleeding everywhere
Narcissas eyes widened
Narcissa: Hermione! Oh my lord.
Draco: dad we've been here for hours i can't find the car
Lucius: look over there!
Draco:the car! Let's go
Lucius:my phone is ringing gimme a second
Hello? Lucius speaking
Narcissa frantically talking: Hermione
has been stabbed she's bleeding everywhere the ambulance is on the way tell Draco to come Now meet us at Godrics Hollow hospital
Lucius: Ok we'll be there!
Lucius: we have to go now Hermiones been stabbed
Draco: oh my god what are you waiting for let's go .
Lyra: grandma what's happening to mummy
Narcissa: She'll be fine darling.
She kisses Lyra on the forehead
Narcissa: I promise.
Draco: Hermione! Babe!
Hermione: *weakly*
Babe, hi she smiles
Draco: touched her wound what happened!
Hermione: Someone took my necklace and stabbed me.
Draco: kisses Hermione on the forehead.
Lyra enters the room and hugs Draco tightly
Draco: Oh my gosh Lyra are you alright
Lyra: yes daddy I'm fine.
Lyra climbs onto the hospital bed and hugs her mother
Lyra: mummy? Are you ok?
Hermione smiles
Hermione: yes darling I'll be fine sweetie
Draco: love you darling but let's let you rest come on Lyra.
Lyra leaves the room and goes home with Lucius and Narcissa
Draco sleeps overnight in the hospital.
He sits down and starts reading her favourite book to her

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