Chemistry Through Science

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*Deji sighs* ,,when will math be over?" Deji thinks to her self as she doses off.

*RINGGGGGG* there goes the loudest bell in history 

,,Hey Deji i have a question about my love life" Deji's best friend, Aliyah say's under her breath 

,,You know that i know NOTHING about love, Aliyah" Deji says scurrying away to her next class, science where she plans to stare intensely at her crush Liam from across the room.

When she gets to science she notices the vibe feels a tad bit off. She sees that Liam isn't in class even though she just saw him earlier this morning. ,,Maybe he's skipping class today?" Deji thought 

,,SORRY IM LATE ! " a boy she never seen before said ,, I'm Zenn Ri Hyun, but you can call me RiRi, Zenn, or Hyun"

,,I don't plan on talking to him at ALL" Deji says quietly and quickly 

( But of course they have to sit together or else it won't be a drama )

* Deji roll her eyes * ,, SHUT UP CREATOR UR NOT SUPPOSED TO TALK"

( Oh, yea, sorry i forgot )

,,good, now don't talk for the rest of the class"

*RiRi sits down next to Deji and they find out they have nothing in common except fashion*

,,Huh, i thought i wouldn't talk to you"

,,Well i guess you where wrong cuz, i'm quite likable, if you ask me"

,,Well, i wasn't" Deji said jokingly, which hurt Hyun's feelings. Deji noticed and was quick to apologize ,,i'm sorry if i hurt ur feelings, it was meant to be a joke-" 



,, Hey i didn't get your name "

,, Oh right it's Deji, Deji Morus "

,, Let's take a picture together since you're my first friend in this school "

,, Ok? " Deji answered carefully 

* picture clicks *

,, BYEEE " Deji says in a hurry to find Liam to see if he's ok 

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