Flame 2

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Once he saw the girl left he stood up straight and walked back down to the alleyway. A bit annoyed at who that girl was but was curious on why she was carrying swords. She reminds me of the hero killer when carrying swords. . But does her quirk need a sword. . Or are they for decorating?

"Are you with the league?"

The voice snapped Dabi out of his thoughts and he looked over at the guy that said that, Dabi nodded his head and looked at the guy. He must be the informant. . . "What information do you have then?" Dabi asked him.

"Some of the UA teachers and put up more of defence against you all, they had the hero's get dorms because pf you all. However there was a new student that is going to be starting tomorrow. I don't know much about that student all I know is it's going to be boy." The informant spoke up.

"That's nice. Get on with the actual interesting information already and stop wasting my time." Dabi spoke already annoyed and this isn't making it better.

"Very well. . . You want to know about the new security right?" The informant asked.

Dabi just simply nodded and listened to what he had to say. "At the entrance, there is a security wall nicknamed the "U.A. Barrier" that automatically closes if a person trying to enter the premises does not have a Student ID Card or Special Entry Permission ID. Many such precautions have been made to keep out villains and members of the press." He started to explained.

"Yeah I already knew that much. That's why mummy man had to use his quirk." Dabi spoke.

"Well. . .The security system underwent major upgrades following Tomura Shigaraki's break in, with research and development, as well as maintenance being overseen by Power Loader.[6] The grounds are partitioned like a game board, and each section is equipped with a mechanism that will transform it into an underground emergency shelter. Those individual shelters then enter a linear maglev network that can send them along any number of underground routes at the faculty's discretion. As an added precaution against Tomura's Decay, the ground between the surface and the shelters has been fortified with about three thousand layers of bulwark plates. Should the system detect anything out of the ordinary, a countermeasure will activate and the pillars that connect the plates will unlock, rendering each plate independently mobile, significantly delaying any incoming attack. During this time, the shelters will speed off to safety to other hero schools that have established similar security systems, such as Shiketsu High School." The informant explained further.

"I see. . . So even if we do get in there they will take the brats somewhere else and make sure they are safe while they deal with us. ." Dabi commented.

"Once more, Power Loader has enlisted the help of his most promising student, Mei Hatsume to further upgrade the schools defenses, in case the current mass evacuation system isn't enough. Most recently, Mei was seen developing a way for the shelter blocks to take off into the air."

"He asked for a child to help. . . Okay continue." Dabi spoke.

"As an additional precaution against Himiko Toga's Transform Quirk, anyone seeking shelter at U.A. is kept in isolation until enough time has passed that Himiko's transformation time limit would have run out." The informant finished his report with that.

Dabi sighed and he heard those words from the informant. There goes the chance of making toga get in there and help us all go in. Dabi looked at the informant and then signed once again. "I see. . Is that all to your report?" Dabi asked.

"That was all I was told to find. So yes."

The informant was about to walk away however Dabi stopped them. "Do you know a woman with purple hair and two swords?" Dabi asked him.

The informant looked at Dabi confused but then started to think. He shook his head at after a bit. "Find some information about her anything will do. If it helps she has dark pink eyes." Dabi described and then walked off back to the hide out.

Once he got there he Gave Shigaraki the information and then sat down. "Why do you look so annoyed Dabi. . . He's always annoyed. . . Looks more annoyed!. . . Always look like that anyway. . ." Twice asked.

"Just ran into an annoyed little bitch that if I ever see again I'll set on fire." Dabi spoke up.

"Really? Who was it?" Toga asked.

"Random woman. . Who was very annoying."

The second chapter done and done! Yay! I don't know how many chapters will be in this book so bare with me guys! And the ending will be the ending so please just accept it.

Thank you.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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