- Beyblade world tour - (part 1)

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A week later

Elijah:3 2 1 LET IT RIP
Ranyo:you need to take a break
Elijah:you know what I need that's to go back to Australia that's what
Ranyo:let me guess you think you shouldn't be here because you didn't beat bel
Elijah:I didn't get a chance to because that person showed up a destroyed belfyer
Nancy:you still deserve to be here
Elijah:no I don't
Ranyo:but you do
Elijah:pfff I got you guys
Ranyo:are you serious mate
Maria:I got the hole thing on recording
Nancy:are you serious
Valt:Elijah I need to talk to you
Valt:I want you to come whit me on the world tour tournament
Elijah:wait what
Valt:yer... o yer here you go
Elijah:what is it
Valt:I found out your birthday was last month so late gift I guess
Elijah:well thanks
Maria:what is it
Elijah:I'll open it a bit later
Ranyo:come on open it
Nancy: yer
Elijah:look just I'll open it later


Elijah was on a roof
Elijah:what even is this thing
Elijah opens it
Elijah:a new disk gear and a note
Elijah reads it
Elijah:so nexus + siege gear. That looks a bit like the Legacy disk
Maria:hey Elijah
Elijah:o hey Maria
Maria:how did you get up there
Elijah:I'm from Australia also it runs in the family
Maria:ok just letting you know valt wants to talk to you
Elijah gets down
Elijah:talk to you later


Elijah:so what do you want
Valt:we need to train your going up against some of the top bladers in the world on this tour
Elijah:I'll beat them
Valt:I'm not sure about that one
Valt:so anyway did you like the gift
Elijah:yer my bey is now a attack type
Valt:how about you show me your launch
Elijah:why you're seen it like a lot
Valt:yer I don't know what I'm doing just you need a launch that helps your bey like you know how you cousin does a wired backflip
Valt:that helps Achilles so you need something to help MuraMasa
Elijah:ok I got it how about a battle
Elijah walks back
Elijah/valt:3 2 1 let it
Elijah runs up and slides
Valt:ok good that's good why did I even ask
Valt:just pack your bags we are leaving tomorrow

The next day

Elijah:I'll miss you all
Maria:me 2
Ranyo:same here
Nancy:you got this
Elijah:ok bye
Elijah and valt get on the bus
Valt:I know you like her
Elijah:what no
Valt:you go red every time your around her
Elijah:do I
Elijah:fine I do but don't tell anyone

They get to the air port

Elijah:so what's are plane
Valt:o we don't have one just look up there
Elijah:wooo cool
Elijah:so how do we get on
Valt:just follow me
They get on
Wakiya:valt who's this kid
Valt:o just someone I'm training
Wakiya:I would have thought you would bring rantaro
Valt:well no
Valt:free who are you bringing
Ranyo:hey mate
Elijah:wait he is coming too
Wakiya:yep anyway America is next
Elijah:o I've never been there
Valt:your going to love it

To be continued

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