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That evening Elliot and I prepared ourselves for an evening at Lady Danbury's home to celebrate the beginning of the season. I was adorned in a dress that suited me better, a plain lavender with small embroidered white flowers along the bottom. Arriving at the extravagant home I gripped Elliot tighter, unprepared for the crowds of society that waited within. Sensing my uneasiness Elliot gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as we made our way into the garden party. The glass walls of the greenhouse reflected the soft lights that illuminated the guest who floated in a sea of color as they danced and socialized with one another. Before I could take too much of the scene in to overwhelm myself I was dragged to a quiet corner where Elliot and I positioned ourselves for the evening.

As we stood in our silence I observed the arriving partygoers, some seemed more nervous than myself at their attendance as their relentless mothers yanked them towards anyone they deemed a suitable match. Despite the air of ease I felt not having to endure the same treatment a part of me longed to be receiving such torture at the hands of my own mother. I was pulled from my thoughts from the loud voice of Lady Bridgerton, "This is the season the Viscount intends to take a wife."

Like flies to honey each young woman in the party was drawn to Anthony who stood dumbfounded at his mother's shameless display. Elliot and I found ourselves chuckling and exchanging wide eyed looks, unsure Anthony would ever truly be able to settle down.

"I dread the day that woman decides it is my turn," We looked up to see Colin approaching us, stretching out a glass of a bubbly red beverage to me. I took it timidly and nodded my thanks before taking a sip of the sweet liquid.

"So long as you do not intend to put it off as the Viscount did I am sure your mother will find it in her heart to spare you," Elliot smiled.

"I am beginning to understand why he did so," Colin laughed as he sent a worried glance back to his brother, still trapped in a bubble of debutant woman and their mothers.

"Perhaps we should all begin to flee London each marriage season to avoid such embarrassments," I offered, earning a laugh from the boys.

"I would hate to see you leave, Miss Hayward."

My eyes were drawn to an approaching Henry who had a girl just younger than me on his arm. Her eyes were fixated on Anthony longingly as Henry lead her over to us, seemingly wishing she could make her way to him instead of us. She had the same dark  features as Henry but with a roundness that he lacked. When she realized he would not escort her to the Viscount she let out a sigh before turning to us with a small smile.

"I do not believe you need worry about it, Mr. Elis I merely speak of fantasy."

"And here I believed you meant to leave me so early into our friendship," Henry chuckled before looking at the girl on his arm who stared back impatiently. "Ah yes, this is my younger sister Constance. Sister, this is Elliot Hayward and his sister Maggie. Though I don't believe we have had the pleasure of an introduction."

Henry smiled at Colin who watched in with unsure eyes. Elliot looked between the two for a moment before stepping forward.

"Henry, this is Colin Bridgerton. You must remember him from our school days."

"Of course! My apologies, Mr. Bridgerton but I do believe we only knew one another in passing, yes?"

"More or less, it is nice to see you again, Mr. Elis." Colin said in an unusually flat tone.

"Mr. Bridgerton has just returned from traveling too," I quipped, "He had an extravagant tour of Europe I'm sure you'd enjoy hearing about Mr. Elis."

"Perhaps after a dance?" Henry smiled before extending a hand to me. I smiled as I passed my drink to Elliot. I allowed Henry to lead me to the floor and laughed as he warned me to be kind to his healing toes.

"You look lovely this evening, Miss Hayward," He whispered in my ear as we moved to the music.

"You're too kind, Mr. Elis."

"I mean it truly," He smiled down at me, "You looked spectacular last evening as well but I must admit the softness of this dress suits you well."

I smiled brightly at his words, ignoring the heat I felt. As we continued to make our way along with the time I found my eyes drawn back to the wall where our siblings and Colin stood. Elliot appeared to have stricken up polite conversations with Constance who still seemed tugged by an invisible force to the eldest Bridgerton. Next to them Colin stood silently with an emotionless face, his eyes trailing along with Henry and I. Quickly I moved my eyes back to Henry who smiled down at me kindly and allowed myself to be eased as he lead me through the familiar motions.

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