Its a small world kiddo

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A small fluttering could be heard throughout the neighborhood in the middle of the day, as well as a angry mumbling from a particular muddy moth

Barnaby looked to the side from where he was laying in his yard, he had already heard Martly coming but he was curious on why they were so angry.

"Gosh darn! Monkeys! Cheese and crackers!" Martly angrily attempted to pick out the mud from their hair as they fluttered down the sidewalk

"Woah Kiddo! check your Language and anger before you come here! This is a no anger area!" Barnaby called out from where he was, motioning for them to come closer despite his words

They took a deep breath before fluttering over to him too, they hovered over him just a bit and looked at him with a confused look when he patted the ground by him

"I said no anger zone! Stop flying!" Barnaby quite easily caught they were still mad due to them being in the air
"I'm not angry!" They flew higher as Barnaby gave them a amused look

"Fine..." they stopped hovering and laid down by Barnaby

"See isn't that better?" He turned briefly to pick them up slightly and put them on his belly

They allowed him to do so, infact they actually hugged his arm when he tried to move it. He chuckled and they just chilled for a little while before Barnaby asked

"You ready to talk about it Kiddo?" He asked casually to them. They thought about it for a second before shaking their head and nuzzled into Barnaby more

"Well just want you too know that I have your back and Its a small world, don't let your emotions get in the way of great things ok Kiddo?" Barnaby said as he felt them nod into his fur. He smiled and they did as well...


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