chapter one

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amelia's pov:

i wake up at 6:30. i get up and take a shower. i get out brush my hair and teeth. pick out my first day of highschool outfit. i'll wear something nice and cute today then the rest of the year lazy and comfy clothes. (imagine whatever you want i would j search up on pinterest 2000's outfits or thirteen outfits)

i couldn't deny it anymore my butt grew,my acne went away, and nope my boobs haven't grown more than an A cup. it's a downside of doing sports my whole life. as i walk downstairs to grab a granola bar and my shoes my parents sit there drinking coffee while my dad reads the newspaper. "who's taking me to school today?" i say excitedly. my mother sighs "can we just be a little quieter this morning?" "i'll take you dear" my dad replies to my question. i get into my fathers car and make sure i don't forget my brand new ipod touch and headphones.

i thank my father and walk into highschool putting my hood up and headphones in. now i probably should be more excited for school but i hated it with a passion the only thing i enjoyed about school wa- "LIA" i turn around and look at my best and only friend shuji. he's a sophmore. he's the only one who ever understood me. his bright smile lights up my day already. i take off my hood and take out my headphones as i lean into hug him. he gives the best hugs, we talk and catch up as he leads me to my class i thank him and walk into first period as the bell rings.

i sit down and scan the class my eyes finding the three boys i had learn to despise. dustin finds my eyes and winks as he taps brandt who just looks at me and laughs which grabs alex's attention and tells them to shut up. weird. our teacher gives us our locker combinations and numbers i stay back trying not to get trampled by the stampede of freshman. just my luck i thought as i see brandt alex and dustin's lockers surrounding mine.

i look to the other row of lockers and see "dustin loves maya" "brandt loves maya". i knew they were making fun of her but what could i do? nothing, absolutely fucking nothing. i grab my bag from the room and take it to my locker unloading literally everything except for my iPod, notebook, headphones, and a pack of pencils. i see maya talking to becca, heather, and jessica and anna standing to the side.

i look back at my locker when i feel eyes on me. "what do you want" i say to no one in particular but whoever was staring must've felt like i was talking to him because brandt spoke up. "nothing i was just admiring your body" he says smirking. i slam my locker closed and say "well stop you pervert" i say showing no emotion and walk away.

i have pe second with no one i like surprise. i change into my pe uniform and roll up the shorts a little because they look like brandts jorts. I walk out of the locker room and go to the field we are playing kickball yay. And Dustin and Brandt are sitting on each side of me while Alex is pitching Dustin is talking over me to rant about Maya and Anna and there plan to embarrass them.

i decide to speak up "you guys are losers" they look at me dumbfounded while i get up to kick. i kick a "homer" and sit back on the bench barely out of breathe and now dustin is at 2nd while maya is sitting next to brandt with a little distance. i sit on the other side of anna when brandt comes and sits next to me. "why the fuck did you say that about us" referring to what i said before i kicked

"i meant what i said, i thought maybe over summer your dick would grow and you would stop being such a bully and finally grow up but i guess i thought wrong" i say. he looks at me angrily but i quickly look away as anna kicks the ball into alex's nose. i can't help but stifle a laugh and brandt glares at me. after pe i walk to my next class with headphones in.

layla speaks!!
alright be honest how did you like it??? i have a few chapters in my drafts i just have to check over them and stuff but lmk if things don't make sense or something's spelling incorrectly or my grammar sucks lmao i get it bc it's annoying sometimes reading then they are so bad at spelling and stuff i have to stop reading.

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