People think being royal seems easy, but it's not. You have to constantly be perfect; from what you wear, how you act, what you eat, what you say, how you look. It doesn't matter. When you're part of a higher society everything you do will be held against you if it isn't done to what everyone else deems perfect. I wish I wasn't royalty, but instead someone of no importance. I'm tired of being in the spotlight and having everyone's eyes on me. Except, if I wasn't a royal I would have never met him; Lee Jooyeon. I hold him very dear to me and I don't know what I would do without him. He's the only person I've met that doesn't respect me just because I'm the princess, but because I'm a person.

He's the only person who sees past my social status and doesn't treat me like an object, and because of that I've fallen for him, but what I have with Jooyeon can never happen. My parents would never allow me to be with someone of a lower status. I always come to the meadow before sunset to see him, and he does the same for me. I sat down in the middle of a bundle of flowers, my skirts pooling around me as I pulled my legs under me.

"I hope you didn't wait too long for me darling." I turned towards his voice smiling once I saw him. He was still in his training gear and his hair was pulled back into a ponytail. He sat right next to me grabbing my hand and placing it on his lap.

"No not long at all. How was training today? It wasn't too hard was it?" I asked out of curiosity. Jooyeon lightly traced shapes and letters on the back of my hand with his finger. A smile pulled at his lips as he looked up to meet my eyes with his deep brown ones.

"No, but your father did come to spectate towards the end of our training session. He looked worried while talking with the general." A deep sigh left his lips as he laid down resting his head in my lap, now with my hand on his chest as he played with the tips of my fingers, occasionally stopping to caress the fourth finger on my hand gently; my ring finger where one day a marriage band would lie for the rest of my life.

My kingdom was at war with the kingdom of Twilight, and with each day that passed the more terrified, I became. Jooyeon would leave to fight in the war and I wouldn't know if he would return. He is one of the best combat fighters our army has; I've seen him train and he's never defeated. He's never been knocked down and unable to get back up. He knows what to do on the battlefield, but it still scares me.

Just the thought of losing him terrifies me down to my core. I can't and I won't lose the only person who sees me as a human.

"Scarlet I know that face. Stop it. I'm not going to be sent to battle. I may be one of the best fighters, but your father and the general aren't stupid enough to send out their entire army. Even if I do get sent out I will come back. I promise you." His voice sounded genuine and filled with admiration. A promise he intended to keep.

I nodded slowly and moved my legs which led to Jooyeon lifting his head before we both plopped down on the pollen-filled grass. The sun was losing its battle against the moon and would soon know defeat. A deep sigh left my lips before I turned to lie on my side facing Jooyeon.

He had his arms folded and resting behind his head with his eyes closed; enjoying whatever warmth the sun had left to give before its time ran out. His lashes were long and touching his cheekbones. His tanned and sweat-slicked skin shined in the sunset light; he looked beautiful.

"I can feel you looking at me Scarlet. What's on your mind?" his dark brown eyes opened to greet me, they looked a honey gold in the fading light. I placed my hand on his and slowly interlocked our fingers together. Curiosity sparked in his eyes and a small smile appeared on my face.

"We can still go you know. Let's do it, right now." Now I was the one who played with his fingers as he looked to be in thought. He took his eyes away from mine and lightly shook his head.

Story of my lives||LeeJooyeon||Where stories live. Discover now