Chapter 2

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The lotus garden was Douma's favorite place. It was serene, beautiful, but most importantly it was quiet. Worshippers were not permitted to disturb Douma while he was in the garden. He had falsely proclaimed that this was where the gods spoke to them, and the gods hated being interrupted by the mortal living. Douma twitched a small smile at his brilliance.

He stopped midstep when he heard faint giggling. It was another child. A rarity indeed. The cult seldom had children visit its grounds, because children couldn't possibly require the help from the devine. No, that was only a concern for adults. Douma walked towards the sound, and found a girl sitting on a bench, a butterfly fluttering around her. Her giggling was like music to his ears. Seldom did he ever here it.

Douma watched her for a moment, taking her in. Her long black hair was pulled back in an intricate braid, pale skin like him, and pink lips. Someday she would be a great beauty. He noticed that her black kimono was interwoven with a beautiful midnight blue lotus pattern. This was a high grade garment of unparalleled luxury. Her giggling stopped when she noticed Douma approached. His kaleidoscopic eyes met her midnight blue and they both let out a small gasp.

"Hi! I'm Douma, who are you?" Douma chirped playfully.

"I'm Atsuko. I'm six. I didn't know there were other children here."

Douma plopped down next to her on the bench. "There aren't any, it's just me. I'm seven."

"Do you live here?" Douma nodded.

"Papa brought me here. He's a silk merchant. We travel all over Japan, and sometimes across the sea to trade." Douma widened his eyes in astonishment, he had never been outside the confines of the grounds. "He told me to go play in the garden while he does business. He's supposed to meet the 'Lord Flounder'."

Douma smiled widely. "I think you mean 'Lord Founder'."

Atsuko blushed in embarrassment and hung her head. "He's probably some boring adult anyways," she grumbled.

Douma laughed now. "I'm the 'Lord Founder'!"

Atsuko's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You? But you're just a child like me!"

Douma hummed in response. "It's because everyone thinks I can talk with the gods because of my eyes." He leaned in close to her and whispered in her ear, "But I don't hear anything." Atsuko gasped slightly at his confession, her hand covering her mouth.

"So you lie?" Douma nodded, swinging his legs off the bench.

"It's boring too. All day long adults come to me with their problems," he whined with mock exasperation.

Atsuko scrunched her face and nodded to herself. "Sometimes adults can be very stupid."

Douma beamed at her. "I like you! Let's be friends."

Atsuko looked at him for a minute. Her dark eyes seemed to see so much. "I'll be your friend, on one condition." Douma raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "You have to be honest with me. You've been smiling since we met, but the smile doesn't reach your eyes. It's like you're wearing a mask." Douma's fake smile faltered for a brief moment.

"I don't really feel anything," he whispered. No one had noticed before. No one had ever truly paid him enough notice to see that he just mimicked others emotions.

Atsuko placed her hands gently in Douma's. "That's alright. Just promise me that from now on, you won't wear the mask around me. That even if you don't feel anything, you'll just be you."

Douma let out a breath of amazement. With a blank face he promised that from that moment on, he would always be honest with her.

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