
But the Spartan was just focused on his punches until their was a snap and boom as the metal pole would break hitting the ground as the Spartan was panting before kicking the broken pole into a corner where it would join a pile of broken rods each of them had a sploch of blood on them as Matthew's eyes widen as he rushes over to Six


Only now did Six cease his current activity as his fist was covered in his own blood fron the damage skin for constantly smashing it against steel

Matthew-'Six what are you even thinking to do somthing this stupid?'

Six-'Training Sir in a world of quirks the possibility of me coming into combat with an individual or a Nomu with a quirk that allows them to withstand high amounts of blunt force trauma is a real possibility and i must train myself to ensure that i dont ever get sloppy'

Matthew-'Despite that being a logical conclusion i am more referring to why cause yourself bodily harm its fine to get stronger but to the point that your breaking yourself is simply not a valid reason as i am aware of the whole blood, sweat and tears thing but it will mean nonthing if you cause permanent damage to your body during training which i doubt is the real reason you are doing this'

Six-'I do many reasons that you dont need to get involved in now'

He said looking down at Matthew as despite the older man having good intentions this only irritated the Spartan as he wasnt raised and groomed on sympathy he was made to kill so to recive such concern from those not from Noble Team the first to ever have Six lower his guard and open up to

had really pissed him off as it has been a whole week since the Hosu incident and Momo had returned from her tutelage from a pro hero as she still hasnt said which pro she was taught under or what she did but that wouldn't fully matter as Six would calm himself lashing out and causing problems did not help

Six-'Is Momo ready for school?'

Matthew-'Yes she is just gathering the last of her things then will have breakfast'

Six-'Understood i shall use this time to ready myself then we shall depart'

Matthew-'Ok then'

Without needing to say more the 2 would part ways not before Six was instructed to go to the medical wing to get his hand patched up which he would not do as his healing would take of it

but to ensure he doesnt get any yabber from the Yaoyorozu's he had his own med-kit in his room and would easily bandage up his bloodied hand as he freshens up and was now in his civilian attire that he normally dresses in when at U.A

with Momo as the Spartan would walk out of the manor passing by Alfred who nods at Six as the latter would wait by the car as he wouldn't have to wait long at all until Momo would come out but she seemed more distracted

clearly somthing was on her mind and easily telling by her body language she wanted to tell Six about it so the Spartan shifted his body to show he was listening which Momo would take that as a sign that she can talk

Momo-'Six you know about my whole ummm training i was getting from the pro hero?'

Six would nod his head as he knew what she was referring to as Six would narrow his eyes slightly did the pro instructor do somthing to Momo if so then

Momo-'Well you see i never got any training apparently the pro hero i picked was apparently more of a model hero for beauty products'

........that was not what Six was exspecting but at least nonthing bad had happened to Momo but none the less Six was disappointed and can understand that Momo would be ashamed and embarrassed to tell her mostly former military raised parents that all she did was basically help sponsor beauty products instead of getting the necessary battle training

My Heroes Noble SixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ