Fablehaven: Part 2

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Five young teens in the world of fable haven.

Name: Melony

Age: 873. She looks 16.

Power: A wish weaver. She can create people or things from dreams and hopes.

Physical: Small for her age, she is about 5" tall. She has short brown hair that hangs to her shoulders, and big brown eyes.

Characteristics: Brave, wise, natural leader.

Weapons and armor: A knife that becomes a sword when you press the gem embedded in its hilt. A fingerless glove that expands into a shield when a secret button is pushed.

Notes: The "leader" of the group. A knight of dawn. Created Mira from Kendra's dreams.

Name: Mira

Age: 15 months. Appears 14.

Power: Half Dragon, Half fairy kind. A dragon brother, and fairy struck.

Physical: A skinny girl, with shoulder length dirty blonde hair. She looks a lot like Kendra, and a little like Gavin.

Characteristics: Kind, Friendly, Loyal, and Pure.

Weapons and armor: A headband that turns into a helmet when touched. No weapons.

Notes: Created by Melony from Kendra's dreams about Gavin. She is Kendra and Gavin's "child." She has a crush on Seth. (Since she was created, she is not actually related to Kendra or Seth, so it isn't gross.) She can choose the age she appears.

Name: Zach

Age: 16

Power: Half demon. Psychic.

Physical: Tall, with medium length black hair. Very muscular. His eyes are a dark brown, but flash purple when he uses his power.

Characteristics: Reserved, good fighter, reliable, strong, loyal.

Weapons and armor: He can fight with pretty much any weapon you give him. He prefers his sword or a bow.

Notes: Boyfriend of Pearl. Can perform black magic. Easily the most powerful of the group, but he prefers not to use his powers. Makes most of the groups magic items. Can sense people's powers and true natures.

Name: Diana

Age: 15

Power: Human

Physical: Long black hair that flows to her waist, average height.

Characteristics: Stubborn, rash, clever, brave, and a great fighter.

Weapons and armor: True to her name, she is amazing with a bow and arrow. She can also shoot well, use a crossbow, and is amazing with pretty much anything she can shoot or throw. She has a denim vest that turns into a breastplate.

Notes: Really likes Zach, and is jealous of Pearl.

Becomes a good friend to Kendra.

Name: Pearl

Age: 15

Power: Fairy struck

Physical: Very pretty, long red hair, long legs, blue eyes, etc.

Characteristics: very friendly, kind, trusting, very smart.

Weapons and armor: The second horn of a unicorn. A necklace that becomes a small force field when activated.

Notes: Zach's girlfriend. Melony's best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2013 ⏰

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