Happy Birthday Sam!

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"Happy birthday, Samy!" Tris screamed through the hallway, crushing me into a tight bear hug. I tried to pull myself away, dying for air. "You're invited to your party!" She said, screaming. "What party?" I asked. I hope she hasn't spent any money on me. She just smiled and said, "You'll see." And walk away, with that smug look on her face. I hate that smile. Something is definitely wrong.

"Happy birthday!" My friends screamed as soon as I walked in my house. "Thank you! This is-"

"GROUP HUG!" Mahi cut me off and crushed every one with one of his 'group hugs'.

"CAKE!" Dylan ran towards the fridge and started digging it. "I've just ordered the cake." Tris said.

"Cancel it. We're going to make it."

"Can I help?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "No!" Everyone answered in unison. I chuckled. "I'll just...skate around, then." I said, grabbing my skateboard. "You're such a tomboy, Sam." Tris said. I winked. "Don't spoil my kitchen!" I yelled and went outside my house, locking it. I put my skateboard down and hopped on it. With my music, the world outside does not exist. I sang along with it and skated faster, zipping past the trees.

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"Happy birthday to you!

You live in a zoo!

With monkeys and donkeys and Buffaloes like you!" My friends sang their usual birthday song. "Thanks! That does mean that you guys are monkeys and donkeys."

"OPEN YOUR GIFTS!" Dylan shouted over the music. "My gift first, Samyyyy!" He said, dragging me towards the gift. "Mahi did you give him Kool Aid?"

"Uh... Nope." He said and walked away, slowly. I face palmed. Dylan plus Kool aid gives trouble. And he doesn't go back to normal for a few hours. "Okay, Dylan. First your gift." I said, as if I was talking to a first grader. It's sort of true, actually. My brother is like a first grader when he has a sugar rush. "Tada!" He said, pressing a key to my hand.

"You see that red car over there?" He pointed outside the window.

Please tell me he didn't.

"I bought you a book of the same color!" He showed me a red book from behind his back. I punched his arm so hard, he dropped the book. "Ouch!" He said in between his laughter, "Do you want an expensive gift or not? I don't get it." He said, smirking. I shut him up by giving him a bear hug. "You're weird." He commented.

"Now it's my gift!" Mahi yelled, shoving Dylan away. I ripped open the cover. Honestly, I find the best part of getting gifts is opening them. It doesn't matter what's inside, to me. I just like ripping the gift paper apart. Go ahead. Call me an immature fourteen year old. "Kit kat!" I exclaimed and jumped on him with a hug. I don't really give hugs frequently, but this is awesome.

"My gift, now!" Tris said. "Please use a scissor." She said, as I struggled to rip it apart with my nails that I never bother to cut. Sometimes, her neatness scares me. Even her rough book is neat! "Got it!" I said as I tore the paper. "It's a watch!" I said. "No, I thought it was Santa Claus." She said with sarcasm. We're not even close to winter. "Thanks a lot, Tris." I wore the watch immediately.

"You didn't even ask me what the red book is for." Dylan complained. "What is it, Dyl?" I asked, suddenly remembering it. "It's an album!" He said and pushed everyone on the sofa. I wish he did't have that much Kool Aid.


"That was Nathan!" Tris pointed out.

See the past tense?

I smiled at his memory. One hell of a troublemaker he was. I hate to admit it, but I kind of miss him annoying me. He's always high and happy. And he can not shut up. There was this one time i let him sit next to me during math. Big mistake.

"What are you guys doing?" He whisper - yelled at Tris and I. "Talking." I said, simply. He finished all the sums the teacher gave us and is in fact, one sum ahead of the teacher. "Do the problems!" He said again, in his tone. We ignored him but he continued to stare at us, with awe. "How can you not do math?" He asked, in a whisper.

"I hate it."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. What's your favorite subject?"

"Maths." He said. After that, he literally forced us to solve the sum. He made me hold my pen and write. That was when i got to know he was a major nerd. There was another time when his homework was not complete for four weeks and he just shrugged it off. I bet he still didn't finish his fifty page work. Yes, it did go up to fifty. I really miss him run into me randomly and screaming in my ear. He was never sad, I have no idea how he does it. His way of cheering people up is by telling them jokes or just doing something stupid.

Tears welled up but I blinked them away. I don't want to think about what happened to him.

"We still didn't have cake!" Dylan screamed and shut the album so hard it shook the sofa. "It's an m&m cake!" Mahi joined. "And I made almost the whole thing." Tris said. "Thanks, guys." I chuckled as they led me towards the cake.

"Are you kidding me? You mean you made this all yourselves?" I asked, for the hundreth time. "Yeas. Now cut the cake, already." Mahi said, with a smile playing on his lips.

I know that smile.

And it's not good.

As soon as I cut the cake and blew the candles, Tris took a "bit" of the cake and slammed it on my face. "Tris! Mahi! Dylan! You guys are so dead!" I said as I chased them all aound the house. "Help! Miss chocolate face is going to eat me up!" Mahi yelled, laughing in between. "Really? I am so afraid of the cake girl too, Mahi." Dylan said, poking my face before I could even reach him. I hate how most my friends are good athletes. "I'm just going to wash my face." I said going upstairs. "The cake girl forfeited!" Tris said in dramatically.

"Good night, guys." I yelled out as everyone went back into their rooms.

Author's Note:


This is my first authors note so I wanted to start it with the word chocolate. Anyways, Happy birthday Sam! (I used those names in my story purposely.) PS: I dare you not to drool at the picture to the right.

If you took time out to read my 1069 word story, thanks a lot. You must be reall patient to deal with this pathetic writing. If you didn't read the whole thing then, Happy Birthday! I'm not reall good at A/N so I'm just gonna shut up.



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