work is work

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I got off my uber and walked into this hotel .i was seriously starting to regret my life decisions right now ."was this a good idea ,should i go in, is it safe , what if it's a trap , i hope i don't get in trouble today, what if they are psychopaths , maybe i should just go back ," i ended up convincing my self to stop been a child and just get it done .
" Girl it's just work " i said to myself as i made to the door
The place looked fancy asf I'm not even joking i had this butler take my jacket and put it away he also asked who i cane with i was too scared i couldn't get the name out ,anyway some random guy saved my ass and said i had come with him  . I didn't even get a chance to thank him he was gone as fast as he came . Anyway i made it in walked straight to the bar 😂 i needed some confidence booster which means shotss .

"Hey " i said to the guy behind the counter "hey what can i get you " she asked ( turns out it wasn't a guy ) i apologised in my head cause i thought it was kinda my fault for assuming she was a he " helloo " she said snapping he fingers " ooouh sorry can i get some shots please " i said sitting on the stool " sure she said smiling
Now my mind was racing did she know i didn't belong here i could feel myself tense "here you go " she said placing like 9 glasses on the counter " this are alot" i said stammering a little " you look tense you should relax a little " she said smiling " I can't have all of this " i said smiling at her " I'll help you"  she said smiling and sitting down next to me . I took one glass and turned to her " cheers " i said we clicked glasses and had the drinks . I could feel the rash and shivers as the drink went down my throat 
" You look so pretty " she said looking at me " if i thought that i wouldn't be taking shots " i said with a little laugh " i think you do though actually i know" she  said " ummh thank you" i said " what's your name? " she asked  " Raven " i said " isn't that a guy's name " she said clearly confused " it's a bird " i said and we both ended up laughing " you're not like all the others here " she said " right ? Look at those gowns and their make up even their jewelry and look at how they're walking gracefully i think i stumbled in here .., " " no i mean you're not like a robot " she said " oouh " i said and we laughed again " cheers " she said as we took another shot and then another " what's your name " i asked "Aliyah " she said " you know i thought you were a guy " i said " i know " she said " you talked out loud a while ago " she continued and laughed at me . " What are you doing here anyway ? " She asked " working " i answered "ooouh , " she said . I could here expression change of course it would change what did i expect she continue been friendly . Well i just made things awkward i laughed a little to kill the silence " I'll just have the last one and get out of your hair " i said talking the shot and getting up . " Thanks " i said smiling and walking away .
Now i felt like shit i couldn't wash her expression away ,i walked towards the balcony and i could feel my tears form . Well she isn't the first won't be the last i said as i tried to shake her off. My phone went off and i searched my purse retrieving it. Well guess it's time to get my poker face on . The guy i was supposed to meet was already here . I texted back letting him know i was on the balcony a few moments later i felt someone tap my shoulder . I turned around and was staring at this man i couldn't believe he looked that good . " Hey " i said " hello are you raven ?" He asked " yes i am Ian i assume" i said taking his hand that was extended towards me " You look very pretty " he said staring in my eyes and i could him suck the soul out of me " you're quite okay yourself " i said not wanting him to be all cocky " that's the first time i got an okay " he said smiling " Did i hurt your feelings I'm so sorry " i said smiling .
" You're a funny one i see , shall we then " he said and i placed my hand in his " sure " i said as he lead me out the balcony and back to the hall ." Our table is at the front " he said as we walked past the crowd he stopped once in a while saying his hello's and all by the time we got to our table my legs we starting to kill me and i was regretting my  choices ." I guess been a trophy wife is off the table " i said to myself as i took my seat .
" Raven what would you like served " he asked as the waiter approached us " wine " i said not wanting to some fancy shit that i didn't know and having to deal with the consequences later " a bottle of wine please " he said and the waiter disappeared. " What exactly do i have to do? " I asked him " nothing much just smile say hey to a few people and dance with me that's all " he answered as my wine was served " thank you " i said twirling the glass between my fingers and smelling the wine before taking a sip. Oooh shit that tasted so good i hummed as i felt my taste buds dancing to how sweet it tasted . Soon other people joined our table and i could the judgemental looks as they talked business or whatever i excused myself cause i really needed to use the bathroom like I don't think I should've drank that much . Why is this place so big it's like a maze . My eyes were closed as i tried to keep my vision straight. " Fuck " i muttered as i hit something " omg that hurt " i said as i raised my head to find that i had bumped into someone i was too shocked so i took a few steps back which lead to me falling . Now tell me why this man was just standing there looking at me i got up and smiled at him " firm grip you got there " i said been as sarcastic as i could cause he really couldn't even act concerned and help me up . I walked past him only for him to hold my hand " where are you going you need yo apologize " he said his voice authoritative that i got goosebumps. He has got to be kidding me apologize i just made a fool of myself and i should apologize plus it wasn't like i wanted to. " What are you mumbling about ?" He asked clearly pissed . I really need to find the bathroom apologize Raven and get done with it . " I'm sorry o bumped into you " i said and pulled my hand from him . I was about to walk of when i realized he hates me already so it wouldn't hurt "Hey," i started and he stopped in his tracks " can you please direct me to where the washrooms are " i said smiling " straight ahead ,and stop smiling it's creepy " he said and i almost jumped on top of him and bitten him . I couldn't even say anything as i felt it coming " oooh noo please go back in for 1 min " i said to myself as i ran to the washrooms luckily there was an empty stall so i just got in . Omg that felt so good . I was washing my hands on the sink when this girls started talking about me like i wasn't there .i didn't care ,washed my hands dried them and got out .
I walked back to my table had a seat " what took you so long " ian asked " bumped into this robot" i said not wanting to talk about it " I'm not even gonna ask any further " he said with a small laugh and i joined him " wanna dance " i asked as i gave him my hand " thought you'd never ask " he said taking it and we shared a little laugh he was actually nice but i kinda gad a feeling he wasn't like those gut feelings you just have . " The music was now slow , i could the hesitance in him is he one of those consent first kinda guys i nodded to give it to him and he actually placed his hand on my back ,i placed my hands on him neck thank God for the heels he was like 6'4 and I'm roughly a 5'4 so yeah he pulled me close to hom and i could smell his cologne he smelled like rain i loved it his hands were big and i could feel his fingers slightly tracing my back . He was the dominant one the way he swayed my body left to right the way he looked me in the eye every once in a while would have anyone thinking we were in love. I rested my face on his chest and immediately regretted it it wasn't supposed to feel that good . The song luckily end and i took his hand as we walked to the table . It was almost 3 am it was time to leave so i looked at him smiled and said my goodbyes . He insisted on walking me out which was nice i had already texted my friend to pick me up and when we got out she was already there " it was nice meeting you ian " i said as we shared our last hug and i walked to my friends motorbike " hello cupcake " she said before i even got there .

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