Merlin you lot are dull.

Start from the beginning

Behind her Lupin appeared stumbling with her luggage, having clearly left his wand on the kitchen bench, Golden boy looked even more furious at the appearance of the ma- werewolf laden with Selene's belongings

with a pop a thin, grubby house elf appeared, muttering to itself ,the poor thing it obviously hadn't had a decent days work in this hellhole in years Selene thought snapped her fingers at it "you there, house elf stop looking so gormless and take my luggage up to the biggest room in the house, I dont care whose in it, move them out"

The house elf perked up immediately   "of course mistress" it croaked "kreacher lives to serve the noble house of black and its honored guests" Selene smiled "excellent, don't bother unpacking though I shan't be staying here long" kreacher disappeared with a pop Selene turned back to the teenagers Potter was now sitting occasionally looking up from his hushed conversation with weaselbee to glare at her.

instead it was the bushy haired, bucked tooth sidekick, now standing from her chair like she might attack Her, Selene raised her eyebrows and spun on her heel

"kreacher" she announced the elf appeared Selene stretched out her hand and elf took it and apparated them both upstairs to a doorway

next to the door was a ratty, old, beaten up suitcase with a small rusty owl cage on it inside the cage was a tiny owl with large eyes and a head just a little to big for its body, next to the old suitcase was a slightly newer case but not any less beaten up with a large shining owl cage and a magnificent white owl in it, obviously this was  Potter and Weasels room.

with a wave of her hand kreacher disappeared, Selene smoothed down her skirt and gingerly sat at the desk in the room, a quill and parchment appeared in front of her Selene smiled and started writing 'Dear Mr and Mrs Malfoy...' half an hour later Selene had sent a pleading letter to the Malfoy residence 

a knock came at the bedroom door and she moved to open it, the girl weasley stood still scowling  in the doorway "dinner" she stated stiffly "great" Selene droned sarcastically, and slammed the door in her face, 

Half an hour later Selene appeared in the kitchen in a silky emerald tea gown her hair done up in a elegant bun, the chatter in the warm room died as she entered, "Merlin how many of you weasleys are there? don't you own a house?" she sneered

the weasley twins roared in laughter at the sight of her, Selene's ears burned with embarrassment as the rest of the table stifled laughter and sent amused look at eachother

"what?" she demanded "what is so funny" tears sprung to her eyes but she blinked them away, she would not cry in front of these people, she was a rosier she didn't cry she made other people cry for goodness sake

stifling a giggle Hermione asked "do you always dress like that for dinner?" of course these morons didn't change for dinner, what barbarians Selene thought "obviously I do beaver teeth, I'm not a savage"  Selene snapped at the girl,

Ronalds ears and neck reddened at the nickname and Hermione blushed, Mrs Weasley made an angry squeak "you-" Selene interrupted the woman "Kreacher" she called the elf appeared in front of her bent at the waist in a dramatic bow, his appearance had improved drastically since her arrival, he had a clean pillowcase tied like a toga on him and the long hair in his wrinkly ears had been trimmed,

"get me something to eat" Selene said " I don't want to eat that slop" faking a smile at the red haired crowd she spun on her heel and strutted into the hallway, swinging open the first door she saw in the hallway 

in the room a tapestry hung on the wall, she entered and walked up to the tapestry noticing a familiar name she grinned her fingers tracing the little Draco figure, "hullo" Selene whispered as she traced his name on the wall.

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