He stood up now, the chair squeaking behind him from the force of him getting up. His hands leaned into the table, his eyes searching everyone who listened to make sure they they herd him out. "I need all of your help to protect Elsie. And in the very least, stop this madness before it gets too far. This time, Elsie won't get another chance. She'll end up dead if they get they're hands on her. She's a threat to the vampires and to their council. She'll be unstoppable if we get through this. And with that power, comes fear.

And you know what fear creates? It makes people want her gone. It could start a war! Think about it...the ultimate werewolf v.s. vampire battle. All because of this one, special, wolf...that could defeat them all."

We all sat silent, taking in what Patrick said. The only sound that could be herd was the creaking of the house and the sound of a lone bird outside. Reality sunk in , and it made me fearful. If I wasn't careful, my life could end...people wanted me dead...just because I was a threat. Of course I didn't want to hurt them! I couldn't kill any one as a vampire for gods sakes! But looks and power can be deceiving...and If I was as powerful as everyone said...I could see why the werewolf's great enemy would want me gone.

"So are you in, or are you out? Will you help me fight and protect Elsie?" Patrick asked everyone with the authority of a leader in his voice. It was so weird seeing him all defensive and protective over me. I mean, I knew he cared about me enough to listen to me and be there for me. But this? I don't know if it was just me, but it seemed a bit much...

The first one to stand up was Jack, by my side as he held my hand in support. "I would risk my life for Elsie. I am defiantly in!" He squeezed  my palm and gave me a caring and affectionate look.

Mr. and Mrs. Florence stood up together next. "It would be an honor to protect and fight for the guardian wolf." said Mr. Florence. Mrs Florence added, "And we couldn't let anything happen to dear Elsie. We're in too."

Devon was the last to stand up. She held herself proud and had a slight smirk to her smile. "You know I'm in. Let's kick some vampire butt!"

"Don't forget the butts of the werewolf trader, vampire hunter psycho, and smart ass witch." I put in sarcastically.

"Uh...that too." she said.

Patrick took in a deep breath and seemed satisfied with the official team of good guys. "Then its settled then! For the next three days I'll have us watch over Elsie until she transforms, and plan out a strategy of attack against against the enemy. I want you guys to notify Sam and Nick of all that's happened too. If all goes well, the maybe it will finally be over. And I, for one, think that would be amazing."

We all shared smiles in hopes that what Patrick says was true. It would truly be amazing if I got my powers back and got my rightful place in this world. They only thing that made me scared was that would I be the cause of peace in the supernatural world...or I would I just be the cause of was and destruction?


Later that night I found myself asleep in the Florence's living room on their giant armchair. I awoke to the sound of crackling from the fire place, and somebody placing a fuzzy blue blanket over me.

"Wuh...?" I whispered, barely hearing my own words. It was Jack, and he put a finger to his lips, hushing me and telling me to go back to sleep.

"Well I can't now. You're here. " I told him, and chuckled to myself. He laughed quietly too, and stroked his finger against my cheek. I sighed in pleasure and sunk deeper into the plush chair. I felt so tired, the whole day making me an emotional roller coaster. I was happy, yet scared. Exited, but fearing for my life. And the only think at the end of the day that made me know I was alright, was seeing Jack just doing something so simple yet so sweet as this.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Everyone else is asleep. Since you were already asleep down here, I lent Patrick my bed and decided to come down here with you. I mean, you guys should probably just stay here for now, since your home is gone."

The house...I knew it was gone, but it neither saddened me not made me want it back. It was a house, but it wasn't home. Home is where you're surrounded by people you love, who take care of you and want you to be with them. That house was filled with the bad memories of a false family who never even loved me from the start.

"That wasn't my home...this is my home." I whispered into his ear. This brought a small smile to his lips, and I could feel his happiness flowing from his body. He then walked away over to shelf hung high in the room. He grabbed something old from it and blew off the dust, making him temporarily cough.

"What...what are you doing?"I asked.

"You in the mood to dance?"

I gave him a "what- the- heck- are- you- talking- about" look. "Um...its midnight. And you want to dance with me NOW?!" 

He shrugged like it was no big deal. "Why not? I think any time is a good time to dance."

I smiled and rolled my eyes at him. The old thing he had was a beat up record player, which was placed down gently on the coffee table. Once he put the old thing on, it started playing an old slow slong with a deep girls voice and static in the background. He reached out his hand to me, and like always, I took it.

He started gently swaying me and my eyes never left his the whole dance. Soon he started softly whispering the words of the song in my ear. My legs felt weak, and my heart thumped in my chest. I wanted to surrender myself to him, forever and ever. He was mine, and I was his. Together, there would always be hope. I would never leave him, and I always till the day I die love him unconditionally and passionately.

After a few more minutes of slowly dancing with him, the song ended. We were so close that my lips brushed his, and we both staggered with our breaths. The lips brushing soon turned into kissing, and I felt that there was nothing in the world that could tare us apart. Or, so I though that...

Furs & Fangs: A Complicated Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now