Chapter 2

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It was a rather normal tuesday morning. Kakashi was preparing breakfast for the kids, while Naruto and Sasuke were arguing in the living room and Neji was watching the news, as he did every morning.

Nothing felt truly out of the ordinary.

Everything was like it had been for the past four years. Sasuke and Naruto arguing, Neji staying out of it as much as possible and then they would go of to school, where their arguing went on, out of Kakashi's range, then he would go to work in the anbu and in the evening they would talk about their day and Sasuke about his hatred towards his brother.

Since he was now fully convinced, Itachi Uchiha, a 13 year old kid, had single handedly killed around 120 people, among them at least 50 grown men and 30 grown women.

Kakashi still didn't believe it, especially since by now, they had found one of the names of the culprits, Madara Uchiha, and Itachi had been cast aside more or less.

Just as he was about to yell, that breakfast were to be ready any second, he heard Neji yell.

"Shut up for a second and listen!!" Now, usually Neji wasn't one to yell, he kept to himself most of the time, so it confused Kakashi, that he had verbalized himself in such a way.

He went into the living room to check it out and soon found why Neji had made such exclamations.

Naruto and Sasuke had seemingly also noticed and stopped fighting.

"Today, exactly four years and two months after the incident, the mystery deaths of the Uchihas excluding the youngest son of the back then clan leading family, Uchiha Sasuke and the dissapearance of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Madara has finally been revealed. "

Seeing the emotional impact this simple sentence had on Sasuke, Kakashi went up to him and sat down with him and the sofa hugging him. Naruto and Neji joined in before the news reporter could continue his speech.

"This is gonna be rough, you sure you want to watch this?" Kakashi asked, knowing how those reports worked. Sasuke only nodded and said. "If I don't watch now, I might never hear the acctual truth"

And with that it was seddled.

"Exactly four years and two month ago, the entire Uchiha compound was found dead, excluding the 10 and 13 year old brothers Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha and an elder 68 year old Madara Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha had been at school, from where he had been picked up and brought to a secure place, while there was at first no trace of either Itachi or Madara.

Later on the CID and crime scene investigation found a trace of Itachi's blood, which unfortunately didn't give them any hint on what could have happened to the back then anbu member or where he could have gone.

For the following four years, 1 month and 3 weeks, the police and other special forces who had been involved couldn't find a single trace of who the culprit was and to where those two had dissapeared.

Now however the case has finally been solved.

At exactly 1:34 am last night, the Police, the anbu and japans security agency, stormed a house in the far south, after being given information about a certain suspicious behavior of the house owner by neighbores and discovering letters between Madara and a certain HS who later turned out to be Hiruzen Sarutobi, that stated suspiscious details about the murders, giving the until then unknown culprit a face and name.

In said house they found the mayor of Konoha, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the missing elder of the Uchiha, Uchiha Madara and another officially dead Uchiha, named Uchiha Obito."

In that very same moment, both Kakashi and Sasuke tensed up. Kakashi because of the name Uchiha Obito, Sasuke out of dissapointment about the lack of the name Itachi. The four of them tightened their hug on the sofa and Neji started to softly rub Sasuke's back.

"After confirming their identities they were taken into custody by the police and transported back to the Konoha investigation quaters, where Hiruzen Sarutobi immediantly cofessed to having together with Danzo Shimura arranged for Madara and Obito to kill the clan.

During his entire confession only after being repeatedly asked he only once mentioned Uchiha Itachi, confirming he was not involved in the murder, yet giving no indication of what happened  or of his current location, which led the police to believe, that he may be dead after all and simply missing for other reasons."

By now Kakashi had calmed himself down again, this wasn't the time for him to be surprised about Obito, he had to be strong for Sasuke right now. Said boy was currently basically clawing himself into Kakashi's shirt, while his entire body was shaking with the force of emotion.

"No, please, I-I need him be..., no, no no..." He whispered. Kakashi was now stroking his head. He wanted to promise him it owuld be fine, but he couldn't do that, in the end, he didn't know whether Itachi had been found or not and even if, it had been four years who knew what had happened and who he was now.

But at least he now knew, Sasuke knew, Itachi hadn't done anything. He had been wrongly 'accused' if rumors on the streets counts as accused.

"That was until the police searched the entire house and found a locked basement door"

Oh god, right now Kakashi wished he had heard this alone in the car after dropping them of at school. He knew what that indication meant and he didn't like it one bit.

"After breaking it open, they discovered the 17 year old Uchiha Itachi heavily injuries, starving and dehydrated. The entire room indicated a kidnapping and torture. When the police entered the room, he was still awake.
They spoke to him for a while, revealing and confirming, that Danzo Shimura and Hiruzen Sarutobi had truly arranged everything and locked him into the basement since the moment they entered the house.

Shortly after he lost consciousness due to generall weakness and was brought to Konoha's general hospital, where he is currently being treated. So far we have not received a update on his condition. His remaining family has yet to be informed. Now onto today's weather with..."

It was silent for a while, Sasuke cried silently into Kakashi's shirt. Then he spoke up again, more or less at least.

"T-they... they tortured... him. ... And I-I thought he did this. How could I-I... How could I have ever believed he did it." And with that he turned his face back to Kakshi's shirt and continued crying.

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