How two friends fell in L-O-V-E!

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(A/N) hey guys this is only my second book gonna go ahead and start working on it. Hope you guys enjoy it!(:

Chapter 1: The morning prank!

(Abby's pov)

"Shh! Your gonna wake her up you big dummy!", is all I could hear before opening my eyes. "What are y'all doing?", I said in a sleepy voice. "Umm nothing just go to sleep.", my roommate Jesse said. I know they were up to something I could hear it in Jesse's voice. "Ok.", I said as I faked to go back to sleep.

"Ok. She's asleep again.", I herd Kelsey say. "Rawr!",I screamed scaring the crap out of both of them. "What in the hell Abby!!! You scared the shit out of me!", Jesse said as I was laying there laughing so hard. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!", I laughed as both of them started to tickle me to death. "Do you mean it!", Jesse yelled. "Yes yes now stop tickling me!",I laughed. "Ok,but first what's the magic word?",Kelsey asked. "PLEASE!",I yelled as loud as I could.

"Ok you passed.", Kelsey said when walking to the kitchen to cook breakfast. "What you gonna cook?", I asked in a funny, but nice voice. "Umm probably some pancakes.", she said. "Sounds good to me!",yelled Jesse from the bedroom. "Pancakes it is."I said while sitting down.

KNOCK!KNOCK!KNOCK! "I'm coming I'm coming!", I said as I went to the front door. Then all of a sudden to my surprise the person at the door was........

(A/N) Yep that's right I'm gonna leave you hanging until I can get at least 4 votes and 4 comments and some people to read it! Hope you like it peace!


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