❀ 01.Akito Shinonome ❀

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Toya's pov

"Bye Toya have a nice day at Kamiyama, don't be out too late!" My mother hums, pushing me out the door. This is my first day at a new school and yeah I'm a little nervous, as anyone would be.

My father didn't like the idea of me moving schools, I don't know why though, but I'm glad I did. I get a fresh start, get to meet new people, make new friends and, wait Toya stop stalling you're gonna be late!


I make it to school on time thankfully, but now comes the hard part to find my classroom. I wander around for a little bit attempting to find the classroom myself before asking for help until I get tapped on the shoulder, I turn around to see a boy who looks around my age with ginger hair and emerald green eyes.

"Hey I don't think I've seen you around before, are you new?" He smiles looking at me.

"Uh- yeah I am, this is my first day actually." I say rubbing the back of my neck and looking at the ground. Damn is it that obvious that I'm new to this school.

"Oh nice, what class are you in? I can maybe help you find it." He peaks at my schedule from over my shoulder. "Ah 1-C... you're in my class, we might want to go now or we'll be late."

The bell rings, great now I'm late on my first day.


"Settle down students the bell has rung, pay attention. Ah, we have a couple of late students it seems. Oh wait you're the new student Toya Aoyagi aren't you?" She looks at me with a straight and serious face. I nod, the teacher seems a bit intimidating I hope I'm not in trouble.

"Lovely!" She smiles now seeming less scary. "I'm Miss Meiko, your lovely teacher, now Akito what's your excuse for being late huh?" She looks past me with a now annoyed look, yep now she's scary again.

"I-I was helping him find his classroom." I can tell he is also intimidated by Miss Meiko as well.

"I don't believe you."

"N-no no he was, I swear." I jump in defending him, it's the least I can do I did make him late after all.

"Fine, both of you go sit down, and Toya there should be an empty seat next to Akito." I follow him to our seats and we sit down.

He grabs a piece of paper from his bag and starts writing on it, he then pushes it to me. I didn't get a chance to properly introduce myself, I'm Akito Shinonome your new friend. My new friend... he wants to be friends with me? I grab a pen from my bag and start writing. I'm Toya Aoyagi nice to meet you, sorry for making you late. He reads it and smiles. Nah it's fine, it's not my first time being late either don't worry about it.

"Akito, Toya pay attention I'm only explaining this once!!" Is Miss Meiko always like this or is she in a bad mood.


It's now lunch break, he gets up from his seat and looks at me smiling.

"You wanna come with me?" He asks still smiling at me. Wow is he like always happy or something.

"Oh- uh.. yeah sure." I get up from my seat and follow him out the classroom into the hall. "Ah, Shinonome I forgot to-" He lets out a quiet laugh and turns his head to face me with a soft grin.

"No need to be so formal, don't worry about honorifics we're friends. Just call me Akito."

"Okay then Akito... thank you for helping me find my classroom and being my first friend here." I say, his smile is contagious I can't help but to smile myself.

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