"Or say, "Kill Tara," he said "and I'll make sure to hit all the organs I missed last time" he said as he laughed

"F*** you! I'm begging you Please don't hurt her" Sam said as we were getting closer to the 4th floor

"Last chance to save one .Choose" he yelled

"Why are you doing this?" Sam asked

"You want to know why, Sam?" He said

"Maybe it's because you're a selfish b*tch who can't even make a decision to save the life of someone you love Maybe you're too weak for this franchise" he yelled as we reached her floor.

"Maybe you're right Or maybe I'm just stalling for time,fuckhead" Sam said as the door to elevator opened and Dewey fired shots making ghost face duck down.

I immediately ran towards him knocking him down. I punched him straight in the face before kicking him.

As I was gonna punch him again I felt a sharp pain against the side of my atom making me scream in pain.

Dewey ran towards him pushing him and slamming his body against the counter.

I got up and ran towards him before slamming his head against the wall.

"Go! Go help Tara." Dewey said as he pointed to Tara. I nodded and ran to help her up.

"Hey,hey I'm here now your okay breath." I said making her nod as she looked at me.

I heard glass shatter but didn't turn around to look. Dewey helped Richie onto the elevator before he looked at his gun.

"The head." He said as he looked up at us

"What?" Sam said confused

"You have to shoot 'em in the head,or they always come back" he said as he looked at us

"Dewey! Who gives a fuck we have to go,like now!" I yelled but he just looked at us

"I do" he said as gave us a weak smile and clicked the elevator door to close as he got out

"No! Dewey!" Aka yelled as the door closed.

Skip time

We were outside the hospital now. Tara was sitting inside the ambulance. In watched the cops as the brought a body out.

Shit Dewey. I looked up as I saw Gale walking over to the crime scene.

"Hey Gale you shouldn't be here,now is not a good time" I said as I held her back

"Where's Dewey,I need to make sure he's" okay she cried out making me feel more hurt.

"I-im sorry Gale but he didn't make it out" I said a I looked down. Sam walked over to us and hugged me.

I'm sorry we didn't know him well, but,he helped me" Sam said as she looked at Gale

"That's what he did,He helped people" she said as a small smile formed on her lips

"Hey guys Tara is awake." Richie said as he made his way towards us.

"You should go see her I'll go into her room in a bit" Sam said making me nod.

I walked into her room and saw Tara laying down. She smiled as she saw me.

"How you feeling?" I said as I sat next to her

"Every time I get attacked, they give me better painkillers,So there's that" she said making me laugh a bit.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there fast enough" I said as I held her hand.

"Hey it's okay you still saved me and hurt yourself by trying to save me." She said as placed her hand on the side of my face as she creased my cheek.

I smiled as I looked at her and got lost in my thoughts.

"Look Tara I'm just gonna tell you this to right now cause I'm not sure if I'll make it out alive to get to tell you this, I like you a lot Tara I've liked you since we were 8 years old I thought it was just a dumb kid crush but no I like you so much Tara,I care about you a lot I'd sacrifice myself if I had t- as I was gonna say something she cut me off by placing her lips onto mine.

"I like you to Matthew,I've liked you since we were in 6th grade"she said making me smile.

As I was gonna lean in to kiss her again Sam walked in.

"Hi sorry to interrupt but Mindy is waiting for you in the lobby." Sam said as she looked at me.

"Oh okay I'll be out in a sec" I said making Sam nod and walk out.

"I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow,I'll come and visit you as soon as I can."I said as I got up and looked at her.

"Okay please be safe."said as she pulled me close by my shirt and pecking my lips.

"I will don't worry" I said as I gave a her a small smile and walking out.

{trust no one} Tara carpenter Where stories live. Discover now