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Name: AKA-5UK1 (Akasuki)

Gender: Female

Age: 20 (Mentally)

Species: Robot

Occupation: Owner, creator, and only employee of RoboWares

Description: An excitable robot who has trouble moving and speaking clearly, but has incredible drive and ideas for business. She knows how to drive a sale. Only $27.00 for two warm mayonnaise bottles?! ...why aren't there any other customers here?

Friends: Vel, Kaipo Gin

Family: A.S.S., A1K1M0, HA-KA1, HAB1K1, other robots from TetsuCorp

Basic Lore: One of the very first robots from TetsuCorp, she was created to advertise and sell other robots for the company. After awhile, their reach was so broad that she wasn't needed anymore. She refused to be scrapped, and was locked up in the garbage room after being injured. She put herself back together with the scrap metal she found in there, and escaped to go and sell her own product. She's still trying to get matching pieces for her body.

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