"They said, like, around 5 minutes until our food's out. They look like they have a full shift too, so maybe even less time or something". Darrow placed the plastic number at the front of the table and sat across from Lips. Ordering food was always nerve racking for him, mainly being anxious that he'll say the order wrong. Even with Lips' extra reassurance, it didn't help the slight shaking in his hands as he paid for the food. Though, Lips wasn't much better with his anxiety. Still, it didn't hurt for him to do it on his own once in a while when he's tasked to order for the entire Muppets cast. A water bottle was slid to the taller man and he caught it with ease.

"Perfect. What else did you and Vee do?" Lips cracked open the cap.

"Not much outside of what I told you. Oh! She made this bag for me! She said the fabric had my vibe and her creativity sparked from it. She also added a few things that reminded her of me. Isn't it great?" Darrow answered with glee. They held up the bag for Lips to see again, tapping their feet out of happiness and excitement. Chuckling, Lips nodded at his boyfriend's rambling. Most wasn't taken in though, as he was too dazed from the sound of Darrow's voice. It's like music to his ears, especially when it's something he was passionate about. He also wanted to see why he was wearing his shirt on a day like today. Not out of worry, his curiosity was getting the better of him.

"It suits you nicely, babe. Compliments your eyes real nice. Also, did you notice you were wearing one of my shirts?" He smiled softly. The smaller man fidgeted at the question, playing with his fingers while blushing. Lips raised an eyebrow at his actions, knowing the signs of his boyfriend hiding more under the surface, but choosing not to push the subject for now.

"That was a bit intentional," Darrow mumbled.

"Are you warm in it?" Before he can reply, their food is delivered to them. Both thank the waiter for their food and dig in, humming at the delicious flavors. It didn't take long for them to practically wolf down their food, being mindful of the other people sitting around them. Walking around with an old friend builds an appetite in Darrow, even after having a bagel and some fruit for breakfast. Once their pasta bowls were almost empty, they sat back in their seats with happy sighs.

"Good food?"

"Yeah. Where did you find this place?"

"Saw it after the band came back from our tour. I thought you might like it. And this isn't the only thing I have prepared for today," Lips answered, standing up. Darrow followed and grabbed his half drunk water bottle. He downs the rest within a second, tossing the empty plastic in a nearby recycling bin. They leave a tip for the waiters and exited the restaurant, Lips leading the duo out the door. Unfortunately, a crowd of people had gathered on the streets as soon as the lunch rush ended, making their journey to Lips' secret challenging. Despite the rush, they arrived at the destination and Darrow's eyes were wide with wonder. A grin climbed on his lips as well, reading the words "Hensonville Zoo" in bold, black letters.

"The zoo! You got us tickets to the zoo? When?"

"A few days ago. I know you wanted to see their new gator exhibit and we have nothing else planned for today. We could spend the whole day here seeing the gators, the big cats, etc. It was fate". Lips pulled out two slips of paper from his pocket with a smile. Two adult tickets for the zoo. He watched his partner bounce in place, looking like a giddy child in a toy store. Their foreheads bumped against each other gently as a silent sign of gratitude, Darrow's smile hardly containing his excitement. Small giggles escaped his throat as they walked hand-in-hand towards the entrance of the zoo.

Hours passed and the zoo was ushering its visitors out for closing. The warm sun was setting behind the horizon, casting the shadows of trees, cars, and people onto the slowly emptying parking lot. Between the families piling into their own cars with their children, and a few workers closing the gates, was Darrow and Lips. Some of the kids had toys or stuffed animals snuggled in their arms of different animals, a few even insects. Who could blame them? Each one was soft and huggable, and Darrow wasn't immune to them. A small stuffed snow leopard was tucked away in his bag, having been bought earlier that day. It was nestled nicely inside so it wouldn't bounce around when the couple walked around. Lips had been insistent on purchasing it for him and he had no choice but to allow him, lest he hear about it on the way home.

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