So much tension builded up that her neck-chords were standing out, and her face flushed bright red. Her lips pressed together into a thin line, and as much as she wanted to, she couldn't look away.

She was infuriated.

It took a beat until she finally collected herself. The girl reached to the keypad and directed the camera to a different part of the room, initially making it beep.

Cher framed her face with her thumb and index finger and leant over so she could rest her elbows on the desk. She began to message her temples, closing her eyes as she doze into thought.

She could report them as that's normally what she would've done-- but Adam didn't deserve to get kicked out, and deep down, she knew Vera didn't either.

The girl rose her head back up. That's when her eyes caught onto a tab that was opened in the search engine.

It was labeled: 'Westbrook Academy 1998-1999 Team Rosters'.

Curiously, Cher clicked on it. A spreadsheet listing everyone in the academy popped up, and they were divided into six sections. She clicked on a name and grew excited as she realized the could edit and make notes on each student.

Her menacing grin returned to her lips as she scrolled down to Adam and Vera's names. Needless to say, it wasn't a surprise they both made it onto one of the top teams-- together.

An overturned sigh fell from Cher's lips, shaking her head slightly.

'It didn't have to be like this.' She thought to herself as she backspaced on Adam's name, and typed it into the sixth section on the spreadsheet. She added a couple notes and signed it off as one of the head coaches.

She moved Vera down a couple divisions down too, but not to the same one as Adam.

The couldn't be together. This will teach them.

Cher crossed her arms over her chest as she relaxed into the chair, an egotistical smile lingering on her lips. A bigger plan formed in her mind then, and she giggled to herself quietly as she realized how much power she had over them now.

They should be grateful I didn't choose to kick them out.


     VERA ALMOST TRIPPED OVER HER own feet as she flew around the corner in the main building, catching her balence by grasping onto a pillar before speeding towards the dining hall. She's lost track of time when she was with Adam, and now she was running late.

Julie sounded so excited to introduce her friend, but now Vera wasn't sure if she was going to meet them. She was late by half an hour.

The brunette pushed her body through the two heavy, wooden doors and glanced around anxiously. The room was mostly empty except for a collective group of students who were either studying or playing a card game with their friends and visiting. She spotted Julie just moments upon entering.

She was perched on a windowsill with her knees against her chest, reading a book. There were two half-drunken mugs of coffee in front of her.

She was alone.

Vera sighed with culpability as she slowly wandered over to her friend.

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