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evil laughter

CW: toxic relationships, toxic behavior, abuse, manipulation, gaslighting

I do not support or condone yandere behavior IRL. Anything in this fanfic is purely fictional, and should not be replicated or reproduced in real-life situations.


- CLIMBER is a clingy, delusional, overprotective, and impulsive yandere.

- He's the polar opposite of Karl.

- He's extremely delusional, to the point where he thinks you two are together and possibly are engaged or married already.

- The problem is, you two never really talked, unless him stalking you counts.

- You two probably met once or twice, and Climber was intrigued by you.

- That curiosity turned into infatuation, and then pure obsession.

- He knows more about you, then you know about yourself.

- He'd go up and talk to you, but he's so infatuated with you it hurts.

- When he sees you, everything just...stops.

- Ever heard of the expression "hearts in their eyes"? Well, that's Climber. He practically shakes at the mere sight of you.

- What sets him apart from others, is his worship for you.

- He sees you as a perfect, lovely angel. Pure and beautiful. Even if you're anything but that.

- Definitely carries around an old wallet full of photos of you. Most of them are blurry and nonsensical, as if it was taken in a rush.

- When he finally does manage to talk to you, it's very panicked and if he could, he would be sweating buckets. Probably violently shaking too.

- If red flags aren't set off from that one interaction alone, then he'll secure his place as your "friend", who's soon to be your partner. You surely don't know that.

- If you're still a little hesitant to befriend him, that's fine! Climber can wait for a little longer!

- Not too long though, because he needs you! More than you could comprehend.

- The longer you wait, the more you'll see him. Until eventually, you two become friends anyway.  Though Climber will be a lot more clingy and unstable.

- Melts at the smallest form of praise, attention, or touch. He tries not to force it, but he may drop a "subtle" hint or two.

- "You can uh...hold my hand if it's a little scary here! That...that would be nice...huh..?"

- Needs to be around you 24/7. Right by your side is preffered, but if not, stalking is always a viable option. As long as you're in his line of sight.

- Tries not to force anything, especially if you're uncomfortable with it, but it's just so hard to restrain himself sometimes. He just loves you, so so much!

- Sees you as more of a heavily idolized and perfect version of yourself.

- Breaking his delusion of your perfection is dangerous, and will lead to him acting out.

- He doesn't really like violence, but will resort to it if anyone: hurts you, threatens to take you away from him, causing you to dislike or withdraw from him, or threatens to ruin his delusion of you.

- Unlike Karl, Climber won't immediately threaten or attack a potential rival, but instead make you uncomfortable with them via manipulaton.

- "Well, I heard ___ wasn't that nice...and they don't seem to like me...are you really sure you want to be friends with them?"

- Violence is always a last resort with Climber, unlike Karl, where it's just another tool in the toolbox.

 - When he does get violent, he tries to keep it as quick and clean as possible. Do you know how hard blood is to wipe off of him? He also doesn't want you to see him fighting, he wants to be seen as warm and approachable to you.

- Definitely resorts to gaslighting when needed, especially when you bring up something that might lead to you disliking him.

- "I'm a creep...? I wouldn't ever be a creep, intentonally, at least! You're just being worried, alright...?"

- Climber is generous enough to let you see his friends, with his supervision, of course. Other friends though? Those are a hard pass. He isn't sure if he could trust them, after all. His own friends are on thin ice.

 - Very, very overprotective. You're lucky if he lets you see his friends for more than a minute.

- Part of it is his delusional side, telling him you're perfect, and that you shouldn't be hurt or ruined by something or someone else. Another part is his clingy side, who can't spend more than a minute without you.

- If you ever started to withdraw or dislike him, Climber would be devastated.

- He'll practically be stuck by your side, and being as sweet as he can possibly be.

- In this period, he won't leave you, at all. He'll always be by your side, and he'll probably be the only thing you'll see during this time. Very touchy and constantly holding your hand or hugging you.

- If you insist on leaving, he'll slowly begin being more obsessive until it's unbearable. He'll practically suffocate you.

- If you successfully leave though, he'll check every single crack and corner for you. He won't be able to go on if you left him forever.

- If he finds you again, I don't think you'll ever be out of his sight again. Will probably keep you tied up and hidden somewhere. 

- "This is just for your safety! might get hurt without me...ok?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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