LEVI: oh you work here? since when? Why did I just see you here?
PRINCE: ah, I'll start now,
LEVI: Is that so? are you the one who fixed my car?
PRINCE: yeah, ah thank you, it's because of you that I thought of doing this, because you told me to think about what I can do to help them Dad, I mean I'm confident in fixing and repairing cars so yeah , but it's just the beginning, I'm going to study first so I know more about how to handle our business
LEVI: that's great to hear, I'm so happy for you
PRINCE: I just have a favor, can you please don't tell this to Daddy or anyone?
Levi: why? Are you shy? It's not embarrassing to be a mechanic, and do you know I was 17 years old when my brother and I started to open a Cafe, I was still very young and didn't know anything about things, but because of them I learned, so don't be shy about your work
PRINCE: I'm not ashamed, I just don't want to let Dad know because they might be surprised
LEVI: Is that so? Okay fine, I'll keep it a secret

After they talked, Levi immediately went home to their house and their day ended just like that,


Prince woke up early to go to his Uncle's garage before going to school, while driving to the garage his Dad suddenly called him.

PRINCE: Hello Pa, why?
PETE: You left early son, why didn't you tell me? Are you going to school right away?
PRINCE: huh? ah y-yes I'm going in, why?
PETE: Is that so? be careful, by the way, your Dad and I have a business trip with Levi's parents, we leave at 12pm tonight so you might not be able to catch up with us when you get home,
PRINCE: Is that so?
PETE: yes, it's a 1 week business trip, so if you want to go there first, go to Phoenix so you can have someone with you or if you want to go to your Tito Chai, it's in the garage so he might not be able to take care of you either
PRINCE: no more, I'm fine,
PETE: okay, put it down, be careful,
PRINCE: you too, (he ended the call and continued driving)

In the garage...

PRINCE: Good morning, Uncle
CHAI: good morning too, yes, by the way, did your parents tell you that they have a 1 week business trip, with Levi's parents?
PRINCE: Yes, Papa just called me
CHAI: that's good, then you can stay here for a week or you can go home and be with Phoenix, it's up to you as long as you need anything just call me
PRINCE: Are you leaving too?
CHAI: no i just have a meeting to attend to, so yeah, make sure you won't be late for your class, understand?
PRINCE: yes,
CHAI: Alright, I'm leaving,

At OSWALD's House....

Levi went down to the kitchen where his Papa was cooking while his Daddy was reading the newspaper.

LEVI: Dad, Pa, good morning,
KAMOL/KIM: good morning too
LEVI: So what's for our breakfast?
KIM: sausage and veggie salad,

While they were eating, Levi's older brothers came down from their room.

LUCAS: good morning everyone
LIAM: good morning, Dad, Pa,
KAMOL/KIM: good morning
KIM: Sit down, I'll prepare you something to eat
LUCAS: I'll get ready,
KIM: All right
LIAM: my baby how's your sleep?
LEVI: It's okay, eat now Brother
KIM: yes Lucas, Liam, you take care of your brother first, we have a 1 week business trip with Prince's parents
LEVI: again? you're always not here at home,
KAMOL: you know that we're doing this for you and for your brothers right?

Levi nodded but didn't say anything more,

KIM: Alright, we're going to get ready, Lucas, Liam is your brother
LIAM: Yes,
LUCAS: Lev, go ahead and eat so we can go inside,

The siblings are on their way to take him to school, but during the trip, Levi is quiet, his older brothers notice that, so they try to cheer him up.

LEVI: Brother Liam, let's go to the Cafe first,
LIAM: won't you be caught yet?
LUCAS: All right Brother, let's leave him alone

After arriving at the Cafe, Levi entered immediately and went up to the Cafe's rooftop, his older brothers let him because they knew he preferred to be alone.

ZANE: Kuya Lucas, Kuya Liam, was Levi the one who went up to the rooftop?
LIAM: yeah
ZANE: I'll just go see him
LUCAS: I don't think that's a good idea

After saying that, Lucas and Liam started serving orders.

ZANE: why? (this is a surprising question)
MILES: Levi goes to the rooftop every time he wants to be alone,
PHAN: and that only means he has a problem
ZANE: what is that?
NOAH: same problem, problems of the rich,
ZANE: what is that?
NOAH: Levi is still young, his older brothers always take care of him although he has parents but he is closer to his older brothers because of that
ZANE: why? I mean---
MILES: their parents are always as busy with their business, just out of the country trips, business trips and what not,
NOAH: Lucas was like that before, he always sulked at his parents when Levi was left with them, until he got used to it because their Big Brother Liam was also there to help him,
PHAN: Kuya Liam, Kuya Lucas and Levi looks so strong on the outside especially Levi, he looks so strong and brave but on the inside he is so weak, that's why it's good that his Kuyas are there to help him, we, we are here to please him,
NOAH: Let's just leave Lev alone, he'll be okay, he'll just come down when he's okay

After saying that it was back to their work, Zane went up to the rooftop with juice and gave it to Levi.

LEVI: others think that because we are rich and we have everything, we are happy, what they don't know is that we are hurting and struggling, because we are only human, I am happy with my brothers, like Kuya Noah, Miles, Phan, you, I'm happy because of you, and that's why I've never asked for anything else in my whole life if I can't be with my parents for a long time, to be with them eating, sleeping, because they're always busy, they'll just come home and then leave, sometimes not yet,
ZANE: I was just a child when I lost my parents, so I don't really know what it feels like to have parents, that's why sometimes I'm jealous of children who still have whole families because they still get to be with their parents even though for a while while it's not anymore, and no matter what I do I won't see them again, so I understand how you feel, that's okay, you're lucky because your family is still intact, you can be with them anytime or visit where they are, right now just think about all the sacrifices and hardships they are doing for you and your older brothers
LEVI: you're right, you know, it's our drama,
ZANE: yes you are right
LEVI: and we'll be late too
ZANE: wait, yes, let's go

The two quickly ran downstairs to enter.

End of Chapter 5

How A Good Guy Fell In Love with a Bad Guy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now