Stars Around My Scars

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Y/N was the type of person to always be drawing while a song played in their headphones.

Today, they were sitting on their bed listening to Folklore on shuffle, their girlfriend, Tara's, head in their lap.

They desperately wanted to grab a sharpie and write all over themself, an old habit, but didn't want to disturb the beautiful girl in their lap.  It's hard to just do one thing, and aimlessly doodling always helped calm their nerves. They felt their hands start to shake, needing movement. Maybe I had too much coffee or energy drink this morning. They thought to themself.

In an attempt to find something to preoccupy themselves with, they subconsciously slipped their hand into Tara's and start caressing it. Tara jerked up at the unexpected touch. Did I scare her, oh no I hope I didn't.

"I'm sorry, didn't mean to startle you," they apologized, "is it okay that I'm doing this?" Tara nodded slowly. Y/N looked at her, making sure to be as gentle as possible, "I'm never gonna hurt you. No matter what, Tara, I will never try to hurt you."

That was the reassurance Tara had needed. Ever since leaving Woodsboro, trusting others had been hard. It was a wonder she let someone like Y/N into her life. Someone who before she hadn't known existed. It was even crazier that Tara had found herself falling for this person and eventually dating them.

She soon settled back into Y/N's lap. Y/N loved when Tara wanted them to hold her in their arms. They ruffled Tara's adorable bangs, kissing her forehead. She giggles and mumbles something unintelligible into Y/N's chest. Y/N knew how big of a deal it was that Tara trusted her like this, and had no intention of ever taking that for granted. I'm so lucky to have her, they thought to themself, she doesn't just let anyone into her life. That's what Sam had told them when Tara finally introduced to two.

It was getting late, and the temperature on the thermostat reader had gone down.

"Y/N/N, I'm cold," Tara whined, pulling them closer, earning a warm hug from her partner.

"Do you want some hot cocoa?" they asked. Tara nodded happily.

Y/N got up, busying themself with making the best hot cocoa their girlfriend would ever have.

They grabbed their favorite mug, which said "it's a love story, baby just say yes! (to this cup of coffee). Only the best for Tara. They got out the good cocoa powder in excitement, they'd been waiting to use this flavoring, but wanted to use up their old packets first. After brewing the drink, they got out marshmallows and whipped cream. It was almost like they were a little kid again.

"Cocoa's ready" they beamed proudly, walking into their bedroom with the cocoa. Tara's hands trembled vigorously from the cold, so when she took the drink from Y/N, it tipped and spilled onto her shirt.

She winced at the pain from the hot liquid's collision with her skin.

"Oh shit, Tara," Y/N panicked, immediately grabbing a napkin and drying her off, "are you okay? Do you want a new shirt?"

"I'm fine, honey," she reassured them, "a new shirt might be nice, though."

"I'm still going to make sure you don't have a burn anyway," they said, "you don't want to not treat a burn."

"Is this your well thought out plot to see me without a shirt?" Tara smirked.

Y/N blushed a bright shade of red, "right now, I just wanna make sure you're okay."

They gently folded back Tara's blouse, exposing the red, but not terribly burnt skin. Tara immediately placed her hand over a certain area on her stomach.

Stars Around My Scars - Tara CarpenterWhere stories live. Discover now