Lost in the Clouds

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I want to dance and kiss you in the rain run in forest as we sing and play I'll hold you in my arms, 

things will always be alright as you fall asleep, I'll hold you close and tight, everything else feels. 

wrong but with you it feels alright, I hope you have sweet dreams and hey, I daydream about. 

you pretty much all day, maybe this is all a bit weird for me to say But I think you're special, 

smart and beautiful If I give you my heart, I'll hold you accountable What else can I say... I get those. 

fuzzy feelings too the butterflies' things, shaky hands... I never claimed I was cool, you brighten up. 

my day, without you I wouldn't be okay I feel it in my heart, I dream of us falling in love and if you. 

ever feel sad and alone Just google "459 meaning" on your mobile phone It's a bit early to say. 

out loud, but honestly my head is lost in the clouds...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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