Gym bros

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"So silver star huh?"Chim asks "Yeah" was all Eddie said back "You save a platoon or something?" Chim asks "No no nothing like that uh just a convoy"Eddie responds 

"What about you Dylan?"Chim asks "Oh no silver star here" She tells him with a smile "You know your last name sounds familiar"Chim adds "Yeah my uh my dad was the captain at the 126 in Texas" She tells him

"The one that was in the explosion?" Hen asks and she nods "MOVING ON whats with this calendar I heard you mention earlier?" Dylan asks Hen who smirks "Yeah I meant to mention that to Eddie its a hot firefighter calendar" Hen says 

"Im sorry the what?" Eddie asks "Its for charity" Hen tells him trying to convince him but Dylan noticed that Buck wasnt that thrilled about her mentioning it to Eddie he was jealous of Eddie but it also seemed he was of Dylan as well she just didnt know why yet

"So it your full name Eduardo?" Buck asks "No" Eddie answers "People ever call you Diaz?" Buck asks "Not if they want me to respond" Eddie tells him 

"Somethings gotta give we got Cap Hen Chimney Buck we cant just call you Eddie" Buck tells him and Dylan chuckles "What about Dylan?" Eddie asks "Dyl or Sawyer either one" Buck tells him and Dylan gives him a face 

"No Dylan is fine are you like being serious?" Dylan asks "I like to always operate under the assumption that nothing he says is serious" Chim tells her and smiles grew on everyones faces except for Buck of course

Once they got there everyone got out and Eddie offered a hand to Dylan "Ive done this before Diaz" She tells him and he shook his head with a smile and she smirked walking off 

"The air nozzle is embedded in his ass cheek I shut it off but I was afraid to move him" The man tells Cap and Dylan tries to keep her cool this is not something shes ever seen in Texas thats for sure 

The man was blown up like a balloon "Okay Hector can you hear me?" Cap asks and Hector nods "All right hang in there buddy" Cap tells him "Lets get him on his side maintain pressure on the wound" Cap says 

Dylan gets in position to help move him and on Caps count of three they moved him onto his side "Okay easy easy" Cap says as the man cries out in pain "Its a hundred pounds per square inch of air pumped through his entire body" Buck points out

"Dylan take lead" Cap tells her and she nods "Breathing is shallow hearts racing the air filled his stomach and chest even behind his eyelids" Dylan tells him "We need to be concerned about the space around his heart and lungs" Hen adds 

"Okay Eddie start a nasal cannula Chimney get him some morphine" Cap tells them "Im on it" Chim tells him "Its like trying to inject a needle into stone" Chim says trying to give him the morphine 

"The pressure is gonna push everything out" Dylan tells Eddie who keeps trying "Shes right I cant even get air through the nostril" Eddie says "Jugular venous distention tachycardia hypotension diminished breath we're looking at tension pneumothorax" Dylan goes on 

"Girl knows her stuff" Hen says "The air pressure is collapsing his organs we need to get in there and drain the fluid Buck I need you to get a 14 gauge angiocath we need to start decompressing the pleural cavity" Cap instructs him 

Buck does just that "You want help?"Eddie offers "I got it" Buck tells him "Hang in there Hector" Cap tells him Buck gets ready "Id go lower" Eddie tells him "What? um no second intercostal space midclavicular line" Buck tells him 

"The chest wall is thinner at the fifth intercostal at the anterior axillary line theres a decreased chance of injuring any vital organs ive treated guys with collapsed lungs in combat" Eddie says "Do it" Cap tells Eddie "Please" Eddie says holding a hand out to Buck 

Buck lets him do it "Thank you can you help me out with the shirt?" Eddie asks and Buck does very pissed off after Eddie places the needle in air started to come out "Thats it Hector breathe nice and slow" Cap tells him

"It was a good call Eddie and good job Dylan" Cap tells the two "Thanks cap" Eddie and Dylan respond "Nice job" Chim tells the two 

"Yeah good call" Buck spat before walking away "I dont think he likes us" Dylan whispers and Eddie chuckles "You think?" He asks and Dylan smiles "Gym?" Dylan asks "Hell yeah" Eddie tells her and they head back

After the two got off they left to go work out "So guess this makes us gym buddies" Dylan says as the two run on the treadmill together "Yeah it does and friends" Eddie adds and she smiles "So not a bad first day right?" She asks 

"Yeah not too bad but Buck really doesnt like us" Eddie says with a laugh "No no he doesnt" Dylan chuckles "You wanna get some food?" Eddie asks "Id love to but im ready to pass out now" She tell him 

The two had worked out two hours after a long first day "See you tomorrow" Eddie says walking Dylan to her car "Thank you I needed this" She tells him "I did too so thank you" Eddie tells her 

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