1 ~ New Roomie

504 8 15

Øystein Aarseth... My evil older brother, he started a band. "Mayhem" was looking for a new vocalist. Oystein starts running up the stairs into my room in the cabin and starts violently rearranging crap

Z(Zoella/You): Oi fucker what are you doing?

O(Oystein): We got a new vocalist!

Z: Okay? Get your big paws off my shit

O: He's moving in here!

Z: Okay? So move YOU'RE crap around

O: You'll get along more!

Before I can argue his annoyingness runs out... great now i'm gonna have to share my room AND bed? God I hate being the youngest. He yells down for me so me, Oystein, Varg, And Jorn to meet and talk about this over McDonalds, though I didn't pay attention other then the fact his name was Pelle Ohlin and he liked the smell of death. All night I was up drawing until dawn

A/N: for anyone struggling (cutting/suicidal thoughts) it brought to my attention you might read this, so here's a suicide hotline.

US: 988
Australia: 131114
Canada: 8334564566
Jamaica: 8884295273
NZ: 1737
Sweden: 46317112400

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