When it was time for dinner, Ari and the two kinnbeasts climbed grand spiralling staircases to reach the rooftop of Stone Tower. Lanterns charged with light magic hung from the great metal spokes that pierced into the sky, lighting the path to the dining table, which was laid with gold and decorated with more lanterns.

Viski and Warrah both went to the edge of the rail, where the wind whipped at Viski's coat, so they could look over the dark ocean and the first stars that were appearing in the sky.

Ari sat at her place at the table, and a servant poured her water and wine. She wished, momentarily, that she'd brought a book with her, but then she saw the doors open and Tom storm through them. The wind picked up, and there was a current of electricity in the air, like a thunderstorm was about to arrive, although the skies were clear.

He no longer wore his charging uniform. Instead, he dressed in starched white shirts and fitted trousers, like Raphael had when he was alive. But where Raphael had always been light, golden and brilliant, Tom was now dark as thunder clouds.

Ari stood as he approached. He barely acknowledged her, and ordered a servant to pour him wine. Ari sat slowly, wondering if she should greet him, or leave him in his own thoughts.

Behind him, Kobuk the black wolf was bristling with anger too. The wolf ignored his starrling and instead went straight to sit with Viski and Warrah. Ari was surprised by this. Kobuk was usually always found as close to Tom as possible. The two were more bonded as a pair than any starrling and kinnling Ari had seen.

For a moment, Ari thought they looked like lovers after a quarrel. Was it possible for a kinnling to be angry at his starrling?

Moments later, when King Matthias Stone appeared, Ari realised it was.

"My heir will ride a kinnfalcon, not a wolf," the king said. He walked with a staff, and he slammed it on the ground to make his point. Thunder crackled overhead.

"I am bonded to a wolf," Tom said, without looking at his father.

"You are an air starrling and you shall ride a falcon, or you shall give up your titles."

"And what shall you do?" Tom asked. "Sire another air starrling?"

"You shall do as I say. I am your king."

"And I'm your only option," Tom snapped.

Tom had always been a pinnacle of politeness. He was one of the only people who had been genuinely kind to Ari, even when she was a ward and he was a celebrated kinncharging champion. But now, he was talking back to the king with violent rage. It was unlike anything Ari had seen from him.

King Matthias was practically trembling. His face had grown red. But instead of saying anything else, he sat down in his seat at the head of the grand table. He took up his wine glass as soon as he was given one and downed the glass in one.

"It's a fine bird," the king said. "You are a sad excuse for an heir. You should be overjoyed to receive such a fine bird from your generous king."

Tom let the king's words hang in the air, momentarily, before he said quietly, "the finest bird it may be, but it shall never compare to my wolf."


His name was said with a deepness that seemed to smooth out the charge of electricity in the air, almost stilling the very wind. Ari turned around to see who had spoken. A woman had appeared on wolfback on the rooftop, seemingly from thin air. The servants seemed just as startled as Ari felt that the woman had appeared.

Viski rushed to the woman's side, and she placed her one hand on the wolf's brow, and Viski leant into it. It seemed that the late Queen Lisbet's kinnwolf knew this woman well.

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